Conspiracy Theorist Ted Lieu – IOTW Report

Conspiracy Theorist Ted Lieu

Patriot Retort:

Robert Mueller’s testimony didn’t just destroy the impeachment fantasy. It also seems to have broken the persnickety pre-teen tweeter Ted Lieu. Lieu has gone full-blown conspiracy theorist.

Ted thought he scored a direct hit on Donald Trump Wednesday when he asked the easily confused Robert Mueller if the reason they didn’t indict Donald Trump is because you cannot indict a sitting President.

The easily confused Mueller answered “That’s correct.”

What I couldn’t figure out at the time was if Mueller’s “That’s correct” referred to the fact that you can’t indict a sitting President or if that’s the reason he didn’t indict President Trump specifically.

It was exactly clear given what we know of the Mueller Report.

But no matter. Ted had his honey of a talking point and he ran with it.

This PROVES that Donald Trump is a felon and the only reason Mueller didn’t recommend indictment is because he is a sitting President!  We have a felon in the White House!!!!!

Ted was so proud of the fact that he was the one who nailed Trump to the wall that he pinned that exchange to his Twitter timeline.

But in the afternoon hearing with the “Intelligence” Committee, Mueller clarified his answer to Lieu — explaining that this was not why they didn’t recommend any legal action against President Trump.
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11 Comments on Conspiracy Theorist Ted Lieu

  1. What an imbecil! He knows Mueller shot him down on reentry.
    “I Harv its, the trumps tranes granna grash! The harvs and the harve’s not its comins to settles. We have hour reesons!”

    Ted Lieu is and idiot, so is Nadler. But Both are bold faced liars. But Ted is particularly bad, low IQ idiot. Which is rare for an asian.

  2. even for Kailpornia … Teddy is pathetic

    wait … let me rephrase that … on the scale of pathetic Kalipornia imbeciles, Teddy Boy is at the lower end.

  3. Vicious, petty and vindictive are character traits all of the left share. Even the simple minded Ted Lieu is equal to the others in that department.
    The idea of right or wrong and justice never enter into the equation when these fools formulate an attack strategy.
    Ted the little laundry boy is struggling to get noticed but even among a crowd of halfwits he falls short.

  4. This is why we need the duel.
    People run their mouths these days and get away with saying anything.
    If we had the duel and folk stood a chance of being run through or shot, they might moderate their chin music.


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