Baltimore’s weakest link, and the border – IOTW Report

Baltimore’s weakest link, and the border

American Thinker:

You may wonder what the connection between the city of Baltimore and our national border is, since Baltimore is not a border city.  I’ll tell you: Elijah Cummings.

Elijah Cummings is a politician currently serving in his 13th term in the U.S. House of Representatives, having served since 1996.  His district includes the Maryland counties of Baltimore and Howard.  He previously served in the Maryland House of Delegates.  He is a member of the Democratic Party and the current chair of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

As any career politician seeking re-election, Mr. Cummings puts on shows in the House, as he did on July 16, 2019.  During a congressional hearing on “The Trump Administration’s Child Separation Policy,” Cummings took Kevin McAleenan, the acting homeland security secretary, to task for the way illegal alien children are treated in detention centers.

“You feel like you’re doing a great job, right?” Cummings asked McAleenan.

“We’re doing our level best in a very challenging situation,” McAleenan said.

“What does that mean?” Cummings said, raising his voice and interrupting McAleenan.

“What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower?” irrupted Cummings.  “Come on, man.  What’s that about?”

Cummings didn’t yell at his four female colleagues in “The Squad” when the four Democrats voted against a border funding bill, causing problems with the leadership of their own party.

Cummings didn’t shout at the parents for dragging their children and babies 2,000-plus miles from Central America in the burning heat.

Also, Cumming didn’t scream at the smugglers for dumping the children into the care of U.S. Border Patrol. more

25 Comments on Baltimore’s weakest link, and the border

  1. Scummings looks like the proverbial turd somebody tried to polish and ultimately had to give up and accept the fact that it simply can’t be done. To be in the same room as a turd is quite unpleasant, but Scummings takes it to a whole new level.

  2. Cummings yelled at Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan over the treatment of migrant children inside immigrant detention facilities:
    “What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower? Come on, man. What’s that about? None of us would have our children in that position. They are human beings!”

    Human beings? Like Calvin Smith and his neighbors of West Baltimore, who were without water for 6 days just a few weeks ago?:
    “It’s human beings. How do you expect someone to function like that?”

    So, which is it, Elijah? You are exposed as a hypocrite sleazebag politician when the “human beings” in your own district you claim to represent are treated worse than the illegal aliens you feign so much sympathy for?

  3. The water supply system is in such poor condition they have resorted to running temporary piping along the street gutters throughout west baltimore for years!

  4. …we need to come up with a word for these parasites to describe what they do in Government other than “Served”.

    The only thing they ever “Served”, is themselves…

  5. Spot on Jethro ‘What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower?’ First time I saw that was him pimping for illegal votes.
    If he could ever find his reflection in his ‘District ‘ he would really see the Sh*t!
    Forget about the milk-dud head, he is a Sh*t-Dud head and always has been!

  6. @Supernightshade:

    …we need to come up with a word for these parasites to describe what they do in Government other than “Served”.

    The only thing they ever “Served”, is themselves…

    How about “self-served”?

  7. Cummings is a lying hypocritical turd.
    Baltimore is a cesspool.
    The denizens of Baltimore are worthless doped miscreants who think they’re living the good life because they live in filth but don’t have to work – seems to be never ending supplies of Beanee-Weenee, Ritz crackers, crack, muscatel – and shitty TV.
    I guess that’s about as high as they aim.
    (“Socialism even made Germans lazy.”)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I surfed very briefly through a couple of the
    Baltimore and DC talking heads programs this AM
    and they had the usual chorus line of outraged
    communists screaming for Trumps head while ignoring
    that what he said was the truth. YAWNNnnn.
    Then, after I turned off the TV and got the viewing
    “them” nausea under control, I had a nice breakfast.

  9. And Chris Wallace says Trump really proved himself a racist because of what he said. What a jerk. Wallace wouldn’t make a pimple on his daddy’s ass. Only where he is because of daddy.

  10. Uncle Al
    JULY 28, 2019 AT 5:13 PM
    “@Supernightshade – Related: public servant public serpent”

    …and, perhaps, PUBIC servant in SOME instances, Buttigieg comes to mind…

  11. Elijah Cummings is the Maxine Waters of Maryland. These POS’s get rich selling out their own people. No different than the tribes that sold slaves to the euro slave traders. (Just like 0bama)

    “I’m one of you bro, trust me” …then the chains get slapped on.

  12. Cummings is one of the reasons I don’t go to Baltimore Oriole games anymore …. or anything else that’s in Baltimore (a shithole full of feral ‘hood rats that Nan Pelosi’s daddy ‘Mayor Tommy’ once governed … small world)

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