It’s Time To Recall Gavin Newsom – IOTW Report

It’s Time To Recall Gavin Newsom

John and Ken :

Everyone, it’s time to rejoice.

Someone has finally taken the lead and is leading the fight on recalling Governor Gavin Newsom.

A La Jolla doctor, Dr. James Veltmeyer, is using social media and email to gather supporters for a notice of intention to circulate a recall petition.

Now, we all know how horrible Governor Nuisance is.

But getting the notice of intention is harder than it seems.

So for that, we are thankful for you Dr. Veltmeyer.

“He seeks to make California taxpayers pay for the health care of criminal lawbreakers who entered our nation illegally at a starting cost of over $100 million,” Veltmeyer said in a message to his supporters. “This policy will serve as a magnet to attract thousands more illegal immigrants to California which will lead to skyrocketing costs and additional burdens on physicians and hospitals. more here

10 Comments on It’s Time To Recall Gavin Newsom

  1. Mrs. R and I just signed two separate petitions to recall Gov. Kate Brown (Lesbian, OR). Let’s hope they get enough to meet the threshold. Judging by the activity at the booth, I think they will.

  2. We should all remember that California is a blue state. Newsome won by garnering 62% of the popular vote, this is how representative government works.

    Mark Gordon, governor of Wyoming won his election bid by a similar margin, 67%. Wyoming is a red state and Gordon’s values are simpatico with the majority of voters there. If some disaffected liberal started a recall petition on Gordon, we would all say, “Dude, elections have consequences, we won and you lost so go peddle your resistance nonsense somewhere else”.

    Newsome is still new at this, mistakenly thinking that S.F. values can easily translate statewide. Much of it does, like unbending fealty to the climate gods, open borders, free healthcare for all, and most of all, Orange man bad. But what is hurting him, and currently ballooning his “disapproval” numbers is his, “if it moves, tax it” impulse. His drinking water tax and new gas tax is causing indigestion, even among the most ardent tax increase advocates.

  3. Will work out about as well as the last Governor they recalled. Grey Davis…

    They recalled him, and booted him out of office… But didn’t “undo” any of the things he did to get recalled. I’ll point specifically at the public employee union contracts, and their sweetheart retirement deals, and Kali’s attempt a power deregulation…

    If you recall him, and don’t undo the policies that led to the recall… What’s the point?


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