Maria Butina’s Attorney Says Feds Withheld Exculpatory Information Given by FBI Informant – IOTW Report

Maria Butina’s Attorney Says Feds Withheld Exculpatory Information Given by FBI Informant

Daily Signal:

A lawyer for Russian national Maria Butina is accusing federal prosecutors of withholding exculpatory information about her that the CEO of a multibillion-dollar company provided to the FBI.

Robert Driscoll, the Butina lawyer, sent a letter Thursday to Justice Department officials requesting an investigation into possible misconduct by prosecutors and the FBI in handling information from Patrick Byrne, the CEO of online retailer read more

6 Comments on Maria Butina’s Attorney Says Feds Withheld Exculpatory Information Given by FBI Informant

  1. I’m amazed the DOJ can keep up with the torrents of corruption being uncovered on a daily basis. It’s probably why things take so long. The new discoveries have to be incorporated into the reports and long list of charges.
    At least with a multitude of charges per person the odds grow stronger that they’ll be going away for a long time.

  2. If two people know a secret, it’s no longer a secret.

    You know the govt is too damn big when 3 years after the “real collusion” began, we still don’t know all the players involved and NOT ONE blew the whistle!

  3. “Prosecutors are required to provide exculpatory information, known as Brady material, to defendants.”

    Nobody calls it “Brady Material” except the people who try to hide behind jargon to cover up the fact that they are withholding EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE in violation of the law. Eff these people and their Deep State perfumed euphemisms. They’re goddam crooks.


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