Mario Lopez Vilified for Comments on Parenting, Gender Identity, and Believing Women – IOTW Report

Mario Lopez Vilified for Comments on Parenting, Gender Identity, and Believing Women

Daily Signal:

Actor and entertainment journalist Mario Lopez suddenly is receiving pushback for an appearance on “The Candace Owens Show” where he said he was “blown away” by the trend to let young children pick their own gender.

“When you’re a kid … you don’t know anything about sexuality yet. You’re just a kid,” Lopez told Owens. MORE

SNIP: And then he apologized;

Mario, Oh Mario. Where Art Thy Spine, Oh Mario?


Mario, oh Mario. What did you just jump into? 

You spoke common sense about children not making drastic life-altering decisions about sexuality at the age of 3. You know, because toddlers who think they’re fish, or dinosaurs, or fairies, or dogs, or any number of imaginary things are authorities on gender and sexuality. Your interview with Candace Owens was so…reasonable. But Tinseltown had no tolerance for basic truths about our humanity and parental responsibility.

So the cult of transgenderism swiftly wielded its fierceness and caused a father to cower in fear. Never mind the dangers we willingly open children up to when we push LGBTQXYZ pseudoscience. There are many well-documented reasons why medical professionals consider “gender ideology” to be extremely harmful to kids. The American College of Pediatricians, which embraces science instead of activism, lays out those reasons here.

Too many Americans—including Mario—allow themselves to be silenced while the new sexual revolution claims more and more younger victims. more

8 Comments on Mario Lopez Vilified for Comments on Parenting, Gender Identity, and Believing Women

  1. Super. At three years old, children are still in what’s called the “magical thinking” phase, a time of life that’s also known for exercising experimental “contrarian” behavior (“No!”). Many can’t even speak fluently. A goodly percentage aren’t fully toilet trained.

    Don’t these people care about what they’re doing to their children? Are they all narcissists or perverts or mentally challenged?

  2. So a 3 year old is mature enough to pick their gender yet these same adults that support this BS insanity call the police and have parents arrested when they let their 6, 7, 8 year old walk alone a few blocks or play in a park alone. Yep makes perfect sense.

  3. Imagine being 3 and raised by an complete ..!!!!.. Idiot? You literally have almost NO chance of becoming a functional human being. Lord, Have Mercy on their souls – they know NOT what they do.

  4. At three years old you can make permanent life altering decisions but you should be allowed stay on your parent’s insurance until you are 26 because you aren’t old enough to fend for yourself. Is that right?


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