WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master – IOTW Report

WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master

Sebastian Gorka for Epoch Times:

“Please tell the president to stop it with the tweets!”

If I had a dollar for every time a nominal conservative makes this plea to me in person, well let’s just say I’d have lots of dollars. My response is, however, always the same: “If not for rare truth-tellers like Sean Hannity and candidate Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, Hillary Rodham Clinton would now be the president.”

The overwhelming majority of the “mainstream” media is indeed fake news and “the enemy of the people,” and social media is how Mr. Trump vaulted over their misrepresentations and outright lies to speak directly to the electorate to become President Trump.

There’s a very good reason he now has more than 62 million followers on that one platform alone, but what he has done is far more significant than short-circuit the propaganda of the pseudo “journalists” at CNN, The New York Times, et al.

In the last two and a half years, with a tweet here, and another tweet there, President Trump has successfully and repeatedly baited the most pernicious anti-American actors on the national stage so that they reveal themselves to the whole world for who they really are and the threat that they represent to our Republic and its founding principles.

Many members of Team MAGA like to believe and propagate the idea that President Trump is a modern-day Machiavelli who “plays politics” like a certain fictional Vulcan plays three-dimensional chess. Wrong.

18 Comments on WARNING: Don’t Ever Try to Out-Troll the Master

  1. Sorry, Jerry, not buying your assessment of Dr. Gorka. Aside from MY assessment of you, the more Tweets from the President, the healthier the state of minds for Conservatives. And the more Leftists grieve ♪♪

  2. Tim Buktu, Gorka did not say it. The quote is what he says he hears. It is confusing as presented, but if you read what he is saying, you’ll see that he’s a staunch Trump ally.

  3. FAKE Constitutional conservatives doing their Democrat master’s bidding, not to mention doing the devil’s work.

    They have to know that Trump is killing it by using personal media, which they considered themselves the masters of, against them. They can’t stand that they are being PWND at their own game and on their home turf.

    Gorka is solid, we don’t have to worry about him

  4. Gorka is ok, CINC checkmarked and Approved
    But, beware.
    There is a bad patch in the corn field.
    A rotten to the core stalk revealed.
    A high desert vegas travelling infection.
    Extreme toxicity.
    A 3 row and 5th column cull. 1030 313
    Even the Good ears will be Lost.
    That toxic.

    Pruning Trimming & Thinning a must

  5. Haven’t been on Twatter since Oct. ’16.
    Didn’t really miss all the glorious meltdown, what were the good ones got picked up for replay.
    Went to Gab, never looked back, suppose I still have a Twatter account, don’t bother.
    Pretty sure I would have been picked for the banned team, not giving them the satisfaction.
    As far as Twitter goes and the President, Donald Trump is indeed the Kwisatz Haderach of Twitter.

  6. Anyone who knows Trump’s background knows he is a subscriber to and master practitioner of the “OODA loop” .
    Disrupt and disorient your adversaries before they have a chance to act against you then rinse and repeat.

  7. Comes down to this: Donald Trump is a benevolent genius, with balls of steel.

    Lucky us. Even luckier: future generations.

    What patheic traitors obama and clinton are.

  8. If Trump has a negative it’s this {and it isn’t a negative} He’s set a standard that’ll likely never be matched and when his second term is up we’ll all be disappointed in whoever replaces him.

  9. Yeah, that first “quote” threw me off,a bit, too. Was way too atypical for what I’ve read/seen of Gorka.
    Prompted me to read the linked source…mystery/confusion solved!

  10. And all the lefties keep saying is that he’s in this to enrich himself and his crony buddies.
    I would tend to believe that if you already have tons of money and see how the wealthy handle it, at some point making money would get dull.
    It’s still true that money doesn’t buy class.
    I personally think that he was damn fed up with the horseshit that was going on with the leadership in all factions of this country.
    And I think half the country was as well.
    Too much has happened for us to end up this way.


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