Trump Considering Blockade or Quarantine of Venezuela – IOTW Report

Trump Considering Blockade or Quarantine of Venezuela

Epoch Times-

President Donald Trump told reporters on Aug. 1 that he is considering implementing a blockade or quarantine on Venezuela due to the foreign involvement of countries such as Russia and China.

Trump made the revelation in response to a question on the South Lawn of the White House before he departed on Marine One. Under Venezuela’s illegitimate dictator, Nicolás Maduro, the country for years has been fed billions of dollars from Russia and China through loans and energy deals.

“You are considering it?” a reporter asked Trump after introducing the question.

“Yes, I am,” Trump responded.

Trump did not elaborate any further on the consideration as he departed the White House. more

7 Comments on Trump Considering Blockade or Quarantine of Venezuela

  1. “Trump did not elaborate any further on the consideration as he departed the White House.”

    …because he’s not stupid.

    Like the LAST guy was.

    …He doesn’t tell our enemies what we are planning.

    Like the LAST guy did.

    …Because he wants THIS Country to WIN.

    UNlike the LAST guy…

  2. A blockade of Venezuela would be difficult. By sea it’s do-able. Colombia would be onboard; they hate the VZ govt. The other two borders ( without looking at the map) are with Brazil and Guyana. Getting them onboard would be … problematic.

  3. However, a blockade is considered an act of war. Does anyone think our Congress would support that? I’m doubtful. They might use it to trigger impeachment.

    Perhaps he needs to tell the Russians and Chinese to get the hell out if they know what’s good for them. Like, stop it or we’re gonna cream your corn.

  4. Trump is just triggering the lefties. He’s having fun knowing their heads will collectively explode with the news.

    He’s got them so flummoxed they don’t know which way is up.

  5. The best way is to get the countries surrounding Venezuela to support anti-government guerrilla groups with safe havens (remember the French and American experiences in Viet-Nam) that are guaranteed against Venezuela military incursions by the US and access to intelligence by the insurgents. The people would be for them as long as they didn’t do anything stupid and the Russians, Cubans and Chinese would be faced with their own quagmire which would force them to get out or become more brutal and risk the world sanctioning them.


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