TERROR-Tied Hate Group CAIR Demands NY Young Republican Club CANCEL on Pamela Geller on August 15 – IOTW Report

TERROR-Tied Hate Group CAIR Demands NY Young Republican Club CANCEL on Pamela Geller on August 15

Geller Report:

I am scheduled to appear at the NY Young Republican Club Speaker Series on August 15th (register here). The sharia thugs at terror-tied CAIR (go here for terror dossier on the Hamas group) are on a jihad to get my talk canceled. They are bullying and intimidating the New York Young Republican Club into canceling the event as it violates the sharia — candid speech about jihad and sharia. This is how the enemies of freedom and our unalienable civil rights have shutdown free speech across the country while promoting inciters to violence against Jews, apostates and champions of free speech like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib etc.

Take a stand — get your ticket here.

The reporter who wrote this New York Daily News article did not reach out for comment until after they published this radical Islamic propaganda libeling my work, me. The News attributed false quotes to me. But failed to mention CAIR’s extensive terror network and ties. Nor did Mr. Sommerfeldt mention how many Islamic assassination plots there have been against me in this country. I have escaped death more than once. I wonder how much or how little it took to buy the “reporter” Mr. Sommerfeldt, a dinner, tickets to some ball game or nothing at all?

This has been going on since post 9/11, every time I (or my colleagues) are scheduled to speak. Sharia in America.

This is not my problem, but America’s. If Americans won’t stand up, then they shall have to live on their knees.

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11 Comments on TERROR-Tied Hate Group CAIR Demands NY Young Republican Club CANCEL on Pamela Geller on August 15

  1. If they attributed false quotes to you then sue the hell out of them. At some point a Judge is going to look at the 1st Amendment and say to himself/herself that it doesn’t cover intended smear jobs against public figures. The media establishment will cry like dirty-diapered babies but it just may drag journalism back 50 or 60 years where it was “who, what when where why” and not “shaping the story to fit the narrative”

  2. I hope Pamela Geller fights back and keeps her speaking engagement. She and the NY Young Republicans must stand their ground. That’s what I would do.

    Just when I think I have no more anger left, I read things like this that causes me more anger.

  3. If you have the $20.00 (plus $2.49 for paypal’s fee), then buy a ticket even if you don’t intend to go to the event. I just did that. Be aware if you do, though, that if you take the “make a donation” route instead of “buy a ticket” you’ll end up with a ticket anyway. At that point, I clicked on “contact the event organizer” and explained what I had done and that the reason was to support the NYRRC and Pamela Geller.

    Do it! It will make you feel good.

    (Posted anonymously for unrelated personal reasons)


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