Michael Savage asks Boris Johnson to lift 10-year ban on him – IOTW Report

Michael Savage asks Boris Johnson to lift 10-year ban on him


Conservative radio host Michael Savage finally sees an opening in reversing a 10-year ban on him in the United Kingdom — new Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Savage, noting that Johnson opposed the 2009 ban, is petitioning the new prime minister for help.

“The ban has stood in place for a decade. Now is the time to lift the ban and take a stand for the rights of free speech that have come under assault in the land of the Magna Carta,” Savage’s lawyer Daniel Horowitz wrote in a letter shared with Secrets.

10 Comments on Michael Savage asks Boris Johnson to lift 10-year ban on him

  1. Boris isn’t exactly a profile in courage but it’s worth a shot if they want to put up with the cantankerous bastard. He can be funny but he thinks he’s the rooster who’s crowing makes the sun come up.

  2. Banning people like Michael Savage while allowing people from another culture to pour into your country that have the goal to take over your country. People who do not want to assimilate and adopt your culture and customs. Is screwed up thinking about the priorities of life.

    The same nutty thinking infects many “environmental groups” and especially companies that claim to support their goals. You know who they are – The 1% for the Planet – to save the planet (from mankind) – bunch.

    Companies (or clubs) that frequently with one hand funds saving wildlife. While at the same time with the other hand — funds Planned Parenthood and by other means promotes abortion. They’re the kind of people that become more upset over a story of someone killing a dog than a story of someone killing a child.

    Make the right choices, and your country and its culture lives, make the wrong choices and your country and culture dies.

  3. Maggie told us 20 years ago that “Tony the Muslim lover” would destroy th UK! Hindsight says she hit the nail on the head! Tony killed “God fearing UK”!


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