Fed Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance – IOTW Report

Fed Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance

Canada Free Press:

The Washington Post (WoePost to regular readers) recently had a very ominous quote. Sandra Salstrom, a lobbyist for the American Federation of Government Employees, told an eager stenographer, “It seems like if they are successful here, this could just be the tip of the iceberg. We don’t know who’s next.”

What inhumane, outrageous and bigoted Trump administration policy has attracted the attention of Ms. Salstrom? Has someone purchased a one–way ticket to Somalia for Rep. Ilhan Omar?

Not exactly, but the outrage does involve travel. The Trump administration is planning to move portions of the Dept. of Agriculture and the Bureau of Land Management closer to where agriculture happens and land is managed.

Placing swamp bureaucrats closer to the people over which they rule is evidently inherently offensive. Cong. Steny Hoyer (D–Barnacle) warned, “In the White House, there is, among some people, a real disrespect for federal employees, animated by their disrespect for the government generally. So if you’re hostile to government, you’re then . . . hostile to those who work in government.” MORE

15 Comments on Fed Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance

  1. That idea solves many problems, first of which is that it helps drain the swamp. Second is that Dept of Agriculture is where agriculture happens. Third, it lessens the need for more transportation infrastructure in in and around the DC leviathan.

    There are so many reasons that justify doing this.

    HUD should be divided between Baltimore, Chicago and LA.

    I could go on.

  2. First of all, there should be no public union. period! second, fook ’em if they don’t want to relocate to …. wherever! thirdly, I laughed outloud at …. Hoyer (D-Barnacle)….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. RE: Mr. Hoyer’s quote.

    By Jove, I think he’s got it. But it is only a reflection of what the government thinks of us. How long does he think he can piss on us before we splash it back on him?

  4. Up until the 90’s the private sector paid more than similar government positions. There were massive wage increases to where government position now pay more than civilian positions with extremely strong unions to ensure great benefits along with the advanced pay.

  5. got a friend … actually an acquaintance, who worked & retired from the Census Bureau. he had to go out once every 2 years, for 3 weeks & count either cows, chickens, ears of corn, horns on goats, whatever was deemed necessary by Wash DC to places like Bumphuck, Idaho … wherever … no one in gob’ment took it seriously … it was just to fill up reports to Congress … so, whether they counted them in the field or counted them in the Motel 6 it didn’t matter (it was all drained from the taxpayer’s teat, so who gaf?)
    the point is, they went there & created ‘data’ to be used chiefly for the purposes of redistribution of taxpayer $$$ to wealthy donors

    one of the many scams our gub’ment runs

    God bless PDT & his efforts to curb this insane confiscation of wealth & eventual enslavement of The People

  6. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the founding documents of our nation are hostile to large unaccountable government bureaucracies exercising power over the citizens.

  7. It’s “us” versus “them” (and fed union and other deadbeat employees seem to be a willing part of the swamp/left/islamic axis, so long as they get their free shit.


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