When My College Art Class Became a Political Ambush – IOTW Report

When My College Art Class Became a Political Ambush

Daily Signal-

One afternoon during my sophomore year at the University of Virginia, I had to attend a presentation from the college’s residential artist for an art class that I was taking.

As I sat down in the auditorium, I listened intently to the artist, hoping to gain some insight into his creativity.

Instead, the situation quickly became political.

The artist asked any “secret conservatives” in the room to raise their hands. Not simply “conservatives,” mind you. He simply assumed that any conservative sitting there would be ashamed of their beliefs, hence the word “secret.” more

16 Comments on When My College Art Class Became a Political Ambush

  1. Being a 21st century liberal means taking away the voice of others who disagree with you because their views are inherently bad and wrong-headed, and just downright harmful to the free expression of those who have progressed beyond narrow minded meanness of spirit and thought.

    Only echoes of progressiveness need speak.

    Did I cover everything?

  2. When you ask individual questions of people about issues you can usually get a reasonable position. All that disappears when liberal dogma is embraced. Rational thought is displaced with left wing nostrums and any deviation is met with hostility.
    Pushing their views on others is a compulsion with leftists and they do so by bullying because their arguments never hold up under scrutiny.
    Case in point : the democrat presidential lineup.

  3. GREAT thing about going back to college at age 23. I called “bullshit” on libtards in class (profs INCLUDED!), I dressed better than the profs, and I’d worked for a living before going back, and knew my feces. They had NO comeback against me in the early ’90’s, and just sat their flabbergasted. I suppose they’d just expel me today. 🙄

  4. College IS indoctrination.
    Everybody knows that.
    Has been for several hundred years.

    “Just because the game’s fixed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play.”
    (Heinlein, I think)

    You can gain a lot if you can separate the shit from the shinola – sadly, too many youngsters haven’t the critical thinking necessary to do this – thus – they become zombie-socialist-totalitarian-nihilist automatons pre-occupied with sexual depravity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. At least to this old man, there is no difference between “liberals”/progressives and islamists in the way they respond to others who disagree with them. And, I fear, ultimately both groups must be treated in the manner they would treat us if the rest of us are to have any peace. Civilization and civility are two way streets…

  6. I clearly remember when a buddy and myself back in the summer of 1980 went to a so-called sales seminar for small business that turned into a total shit show. This lady started out OK, then quickly settled into a Ronald Reagan brow-beating! Both of us (and some others) got up and left because that’s not what we were there for, but it was certainly a turning point for me. I had voted for Carter in ’76 and was not terribly political at the time, but that experience made me think about what a bunch of total propaganda that was not to mention being pissed about wasting my time time getting lassoed into something like that! That was the last time for that and voting democRAT! There are no free lunches, no free advice, no free vacations, etc. There still is a Snake Oil® industry and it’s doing quite well!

  7. I took two semesters of art appreciation forty years ago with zero political input. But my college freshman German class had words like “Energiekrise” (Energy Crisis) in vocabulary drills . And there were pictures in the textbook of German protesters whose signs we had to translate. To this day, I can still remember the screaming German feminist with her sign “Mein Bauch gehort mir!” (My womb belongs to me).

  8. Some US businessmen go on a trip to China to discuss a new factory. Over a meal with their Chinese business partners, the two groups discuss differences between their two cultures. One of the US businessmen says, “In the US, we’re allowed to openly disparage our President with no negative consequences.” In reply, one of the Chinese businessmen asks, “But are you allowed to openly support your President like we are here?”

  9. Too scared to use my real name


    but if you were born after ’60 I forgive you.

    Cal had a gang of violent anti America goons led by Mario Savio. Americans called Savio’s thugs “the Goons at the Gate.”!
    They beat the sh*t out of anyone who said America was good! Of course the PRess described
    the violence as “peacful protests”!!?!@?#!

  10. Leftists make Jehovah’s witnesses seem tolerant and easygoing about the way they proselytize. At least the witnesses ASK before pestering, and are not motivated by hopes of freebies from the govt..

  11. @an ol exaJahead

    I came back from the Yacht Club to spits. jeers, and flag burning because no one here had the guts to stop the commie hippies and Jane Fondas.

    And it’s even worse now. Don’t tell me I’m wrong or are you just a libtard?

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