Woman Pleads Guilty to Throwing Drink on Matt Gaetz – IOTW Report

Woman Pleads Guilty to Throwing Drink on Matt Gaetz


A woman who threw a beverage at Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in June plead guilty on Thursday, according to CBS Miami.

Amanda Kondrat’yev pleaded guilty in the city of Pensacola and faces up to one year in jail at her October 17th hearing.

The June 1st incident occurred after Gaetz held a town hall event at the Brew Ha Ha restaurant in Pensacola. A video clip shared on Twitter purportedly shows Kondrat’yev, a Democrat who once challenged the Florida Republican for his congressional seat, allegedly whipping a drink at him.

Soon after the incident, police arrested Kondrat’yev and later released her on a $1,000 bond. more here

10 Comments on Woman Pleads Guilty to Throwing Drink on Matt Gaetz

  1. She should get the maximum sentence, this is political violence and political violence is the worst kind of violence to show even the slightest tolerance for (and it doesn’t make any difference if it comes from the right or the left). It will escalate and destroy everything this nation has ever stood for if left unchecked.

    But I’m doubting that is what will happen, token or no punishment is the norm for this kind of violence when it is done by the left.

  2. 1 year sentence. That means she’s out in about 4 months for good behavior. Need to make the sentence 11 months 29 days so she has to serve every second of it.

  3. She will never serve a day in jail. She may get a fine, and maybe “community service”, which for her will probably mean working at a Planned Parenthood abortion mill.

  4. Realistically speaking, any jail time, even one month, would be an improvement to past practices and would send a message.

    DA’s have been too reticent (cowardly) to punish actual lawbreakers when it comes to anything protest-related. Here in the Bay Area, subterranean desk hiding has become the norm. ANTIFA thugs who destroy property, commit assault and block public access are never punished, they are jailed and later released with zero consequences. If the Bank owners that suffered the broken windows, if they would actually press charges, if the DA’s would do their jobs and file the criminal complaints, this type of behavior would abate.

    Taking it one step farther; although I am against any type of hate crime enhancements, thinking the whole concept of hate crimes is stupid and subjectively enforced, if DA’s would add hate crimes to political violence, we would really get somewhere. There is no doubt that an ANTIFA thug punching a MAGA hat wearer is just as hate laced and hate-motivated as any race crime perpetrated.

  5. Since it’s known who the attacker is, time for a little off-the-books vigilante justice? Quietly, privately, in the dark of night.


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