Obama reportedly upset about far-left swing of Democratic contenders – IOTW Report

Obama reportedly upset about far-left swing of Democratic contenders

[LOL! I know, I know]

American Thinker:

Life’s tough for the ever-vacationing former President Obama.

As if the licking flames of the Mueller report’s aftermath, getting ever closer to him, weren’t enough, there’s also the 2020 presidential race. Via his media buddies at CNN, he’s got word out that he’s not happy with the extreme leftward turn of his fellow Democrats in the 2020 race. more

14 Comments on Obama reportedly upset about far-left swing of Democratic contenders

  1. He’s the one that set the trend and ushered it in.

    Is he upset about the far left swing or by the candidates moving it out into the open for all to see?

    Leftist views are based on and spread by deception, ya’ know.

  2. …See? That’s what I’ve been SAYING they’ll do.

    They are putting on this floor show with all the OTHER clowns, partly to measure how much socialism we’ll accept at this point, but MOSTLY so they can position the Obamas, and “Michelle” in particular, as the REASONABLE ones when the “draft” “her” at what is DESIGNED to be a contentious convention.

    …”she’ll” be hailed as the Chosen One, the ONLY one who can unite the Democrats, bring most Blacks back to the Party, bring back the “great” Obama years along with Barry Himself, and the sole being with the cachet to put the Bad Orange Man in his place, and maybe cure cancer if Biden doesn’t object.

    …”she’ll” go through the whole “Reluctant Ruler” thing, but ultimately accept because “all of the free people of America begged “her” to do it for the good of all humanity”.

    …all this conveniently let “her” skip the debate so “she” didn’t have to annouce a position on anything, and also protects “her” in the general by giving “her” cover against debating the President because “she” didn’t plan to run, so of COURSE “she’s” crude and evasive, it’s just an “ordinary citizen trying to stop an evil right-wing politician”.

    …every debate question beyond “Michelle, how did it feel to stand at the side of the Greatest President EVAH while he skillfully guided the world to paradise?” or “Michelle, how can you have such amazing grace while standing on the same stage with such a bigoted misogynist?” will be answered with “my opponent is a racistsexisthomophobicIslamophobicenviromemtaldisasteristHATER”, followed by applause from the “moderators” for SO long, you’ll forget what the QUESTION was, so “she” won’t have to articulate a position in the General either.

    “She’ll” throw in some stuff about reparations, free collitch, freefreefree, but no details and no examination allowed.

    …Meanwhile, the President will be handed an AIDS infected dildo in place of a microphone while CNN has Disney’s best voice actor constantly call “Michelle” a Niqqr Biotch. Everything is arranged.

    …at the end of the day, they can’t pass Mooch up. “She” just checks too many boxes for them.

    And swings a real big, ah, “bat” by all accounts, too. We’ll probably find out HOW big after “she” is “elected” and lets it all hang out as “she” finishes the degradation of America…


  3. I keep hearing everywhere that Barky is not pleased about the Dems bad-mouthing him. I have not heard him say it, only his cult entourage hangers-on. Barky himself doesn’t give a shit is what I think. He’s set for life and will always be adored by his fellow globalist citizens of the world, who are the ones who matter.

  4. Unforseen?

    Just like hee also promoted the disrespecting police which led to promotion of BLM, which led to attacks on cops, which has devolved into open shooting at them.

    In NY city they are throwing water at them with impunity.

    The camp fire is now out of control and on its way to forest fire.

  5. Ocommie was smarter and more devious in his plans to fundamentally transform this country than this collection of Leftist Loonies. They can’t restrain their inner commie. He knew that he had to conceal his socialist and racist beliefs in a cloak of moderation while he destroyed the country that bought his lies. His biggest mistake was anointing the most qualified person to ever run for anything to finish carrying out his fundamental transformation. Then along came Donald J. Trump. Thanks for underestimating our intelligence.

  6. The traitorous POS is full of shit.

    His commie mommie valerie jarrett saw to it barry put on a good front. This asshole fraud was the front of the biggest scam on US history.

  7. Zero does not care…. he is essentially a lazy, deceiving bastard/traitor. He will mooch off of others for the remainder of his life, resting on his laurels and his fake legacy (Nobel Prize for no accomplishments, book royalties that others wrote, etc. )

    As long as he can stay at 5-star resorts and other freebie, luxury hide-outs, then he has no worries. Do you think that Mr. & Mrs. Zero are paying for their two (alleged) daughters’ college tuition ?


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