Wash Post: Warren and Sanders proposals don’t “meet a baseline degree of factual plausibility” – IOTW Report

Wash Post: Warren and Sanders proposals don’t “meet a baseline degree of factual plausibility”

Mocks Warren’s debate line: “Why go to the trouble of running for president to promote ideas that can’t work?”

Legal Insurrection:

The second round of Democrat presidential debates have caused even more clown car chaos for a party clearly struggling to find its footing.

Not only was the second round of debates a ratings failure for CNN, but the candidates on night one were called out for being too extreme by their own party and the candidates on night two assailed Obama. Both the extremism and the attacks on Obama have stirred leftists to respond.

Perhaps one of the more interesting responses was from the Washington Post‘s editorial board. The title of their op-ed was a direct swipe at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): “Why go to the trouble of running for president to promote ideas that can’t work?“.

While Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was busy shouting at everyone and no one, Warren was busily condescending and sniding her way further into unlikability. more here

5 Comments on Wash Post: Warren and Sanders proposals don’t “meet a baseline degree of factual plausibility”

  1. “Warren and Sanders proposals don’t “meet a baseline degree of factual plausibility””

    …which is par for the course when Democrats are talking. It must be PARTICULARLY egregious if even the WaPo can’t ignore it.

    …unless they are planning to push a DIFFERENT candidate. One who’s not White, perhaps. One who…say, is that Bigfoot over there, lurking in the shadows? I hear rib bones being ground between powerful jaws, too. No, not Bigfoot, its…its…OMG, ITS MICHE….

  2. Leftists get elected by telling people what they want to hear without regard for whether or not it can be done on a real basis.

    That’s why they fail at almost everything they promise. They have made those promises to sound good to the ignorant and gain their support, not to actually implement them on a working basis.

    Remember what Obamacare was supposed to do and how it was promoted to get it passed. Almost everything promised, failed.


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