They WILL Attack you. Keep Fighting. – IOTW Report

They WILL Attack you. Keep Fighting.

Never Give UP.

10 Comments on They WILL Attack you. Keep Fighting.

  1. Kim Philby is a piker compared to obama, jarrett, lois lerner, biden, and the like.

    I didn’t need Gorka’s speech to be immovable in my being ‘ready.’ But we’re spreading it to other people who might need it, and that is good. That Gorka is out there swinging is great.

  2. “Keep fighting” doesn’t mean apologizing for everything you do that offends you enemies.

    I wish the Republicans would learn that, Trump is more than ready and willing to teach them.

  3. Remember: if the left gains unopposed power (and you KNOW their power will be unopposed by the GOPe), look forward to genocide.

    It’s always the formula, throughout human history:

    The left has bastardized our culture to the point where it’s virtually shameless to commit mass murder as a “me too” way of behind ‘heard.’ And if you’re attractive, you’ll get your picture on the cover of Rolling Stone.

    First they licked ice cream. Then they pissed on potatoes. Then they massacred innocents in shopping centers and movie theaters. Then, they rode in on a horse (if michelle obama is shod) to save the day, but only to enslave us.


  4. When the Boston Bombing lie just keeps rolling along, there is another version to be told.
    Various government departments have commando teams to use for rescue and attack purposes. But there are private military contractors that can co-operate with government agencies without having to have any Congressional oversight to be accountable to.
    Within the referenced article are actual photographs of uniformly dressed men that are identified as employees of a security agency, probably mercenaries. They are all clothed in khaki tan pants and shoes with black shirts and tops. These were at the Boston bombing site with black backpacks — which they left behind as they ran off. They also seem to have shown up to do the El Paso shooting.

    The Boston Bombing Was An Inside Job – Complete Evidence!
    The Boston marathon bombing has the signature of the shadow government written all over it!
    “Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as ‘controlled explosion’ drill by Boston bomb squad”, Mike Adams reports for Natural News.
    “What’s not yet being reported by the mainstream media is that a ‘controlled explosion’ was under way on the same day as the marathon explosion.

    “Update 15: Total media blackout now under way on most likely suspects in Boston marathon bombing!

    “In a story that’s almost as explosive as the actual bombing itself, the mainstream media is waging a total media blackout on the photos of “The Craft” private military operatives who were present at the Boston marathon bombing. and have published a multitude of photos which absolutely prove that numerous members of “The Craft” private military contractors were actively engaged in operations at the finish line of the marathon.

    This is photographic proof. In real police work, it’s called “evidence.” But astonishingly, there is not a single mention of “The Craft” in any mainstream media outlet: not NYT, not Washington Post, not LA Times, etc. Not a single word.

    This is quickly becoming the biggest media cover-up of all time.” [22] ”

  5. Yes, (((they))) will keep attacking us now, for sure. After these malicious shootings over the weekend, Congress reconvenes and will decide they have to disarm the people. Damn the Constitution, because they are almost all Communists. In Boston, the military went around in their tanks with armed soldiers threatening the citizens. The US Military has been programmed to treat Americans as their domestic enemies. We can’t expect help from any of these traitors.

    Sunday, August 4, 2019
    Hello Mossad Texas FF, Adios Mossad Asset Jeff Epstein
    The mass shooting at the El Paso Wal Mart has the markings of a Mossad/CIA False Flag that was pulled off to achieve two goals: One is to disarm law-abiding Americans and the other, to get Mossad asset and honey-potter Jeff Epstein off the news cycle.
    The former is a work in progress, the latter, accomplished.

    Which begs the question; Why are so many of these mass shooters Jews. This is a legit concern, since Jews only make up around 2% of the population. [Photos]

    I’m not buying the BS that some punk, who had no military or police training, could manhandle an AK-47, an assault rifle that is a bit hefty and packs a kick, which I know from personal experience. We’re supposed to believe that some ‘incel’ type could coolly and methodically shoot and kill 20 people and wound another 26? Then calmly turn himself over to the police for arrest?


    Annuder though: Anyone who’s shopped at a Wal Mart has noticed the CCTV cameras in the ceiling and elsewhere. The damned things are all over the place, so where’s the digital quality video showing the patsy shooting the place up? And none of that BS video that has NO date and time stamp, and is grainy and out of focus. Produce the videos or STFU (((MSM))). Especially of the patsy changing mags.

    This also exposes the (((Deep States’s))) 2020 election campaign. Look for these mass shootings on a regular basis, until Congress demands that Trump take our weapons.
    Welcome to Civil War 2.0.

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