3 NRA Board members resign feeling ‘stonewalled’ in efforts to investigate accusations of financial impropriety – IOTW Report

3 NRA Board members resign feeling ‘stonewalled’ in efforts to investigate accusations of financial impropriety

WFB: Three NRA board members offered their resignation on Thursday, alleging NRA leadership had “stonewalled” them in efforts to investigate accusations of financial impropriety.

Sean Maloney, Esther Schneider, and Timothy Knight announced they would leave the board in a letter to their fellow board members. The group said their faith in the NRA’s leadership had been “shattered.” The board members said they felt they had exhausted other avenues to investigate the claims of wrongdoing that have been made public over the last several months and resigning was the only option left.

“Over the past several months, there have been numerous, highly-publicized allegations of impropriety leveled against the Association and certain members of its executive leadership team,” the three said in their letter. “In exercising our oversight responsibilities as Board Members, we have sought information and requested certain actions be taken with respect to these allegations, only to be rebuffed at every turn.”

“We had expected — or at least hoped — that the executive leadership team would recognize the seriousness of these allegations and work with us in a constructive and transparent manner to address our concerns and minimize any further harm to the Association,” they continued. “Instead, we have been stonewalled, accused of disloyalty, stripped of committee assignments and denied effective counsel necessary to properly discharge our responsibilities as Board members.”

Marion Hammer, fellow NRA board member and former president who is now paid by the group to lobby in Florida, said there was a different explanation for the group’s departure. Hammer claimed the group was part of an alleged effort by former NRA president Oliver North to blackmail and remove NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre from his position. She told the Washington Post the board members “made a treacherous attempt to overthrow leadership and lost, now they’re unhappy nobody trusts them and doesn’t want them on committees where they can continue to disrupt the organization.” more

9 Comments on 3 NRA Board members resign feeling ‘stonewalled’ in efforts to investigate accusations of financial impropriety

  1. Wayne LaPierre needs to go. He has been an unmitigated disaster and I have been saying this for well over a decade. Remember, I am a Benefactor member and all three of my kids are NRA Life members. I will not contribute unconstrained dollars to the NRA and advise others to donate to the NRA’s educational and competition programs, but not one thin dime to the NRA-ILA or of unconstrained money. The NRA_ILA is worse than useless, it is infested with staff who move back and forth between working for politicians and the ILA and are all too cozy with politicians who would dry shave us, if not cut our throat, any chance they get.

  2. I told them the last time they asked me for an additional donation (In addition to my membership) that I would revoke my membership If I wasn’t already paid up, and I would not contribute one nickel while Wayne Lapierre and Marion Hammer were running the show. If they REALLY cared about the second amendment they would leave for the good of the organization. Does anyone know if there is a petition somewhere I can sign?

  3. While I do agree with the NRA being a thing, I do not agree with some of the ideas. And I took notice of the ‘idea’ of promoting and endorsing Harry Reid for NV senator EVERY SINGLE TIME. Since then, I just look at them side-eyed.

    Again, I am glad there’s an NRA, but they work my nerves sometimes.

    I tend to lurk at GOA anyway.

  4. “The NRA_ILA is worse than useless, it is infested with staff who move back and forth between working for politicians and the ILA and are all too cozy with politicians who would dry shave us, if not cut our throat, any chance they get. ”

    Hear hear!


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