Trump’s tariff pause shows he’s got his eyes on the prize – IOTW Report

Trump’s tariff pause shows he’s got his eyes on the prize

American Thinker:

President Trump’s delay on implementing announced tariff increases on Chinese goods that would be on many Christmas shopping lists sparked a stock market bump yesterday.  But, while domestic considerations (i.e., his re-election) are important, the move must be seen in the broader context of a stare-down with President Xi.  Even though China is a dictatorship, Xi’s hold on his job is not something he can take for granted.

Xi has grabbed power, purging some of his enemies and ending limits on his tenure, which makes him personally responsible for the serious ill effects of his tariff war with Trump and for the unrest in Hong Kong.  China in a no-win situation with the former colony.  Even worse, the crisis comes as China’s leadership is gathered for its annual meetings at Beidahe, a coastal resort, a practice with six decades of history.  No matter how much power Xi has grabbed, if the heads of the power bases of the party turn on him, blaming him for “serious errors,” his rule could end. read more

5 Comments on Trump’s tariff pause shows he’s got his eyes on the prize

  1. The politicians who allowed our country to get into this situation with China have to be made to answer for it.
    Trading with a communist totalitarian state has to be one of the worst decisions ever. I’m sure they were well paid for it.
    This was the collusion that mattered. High treason.

  2. TP,

    That actually started under Carter and his “most favored nation” status for China and was continued by Reagan and others after that.

    That’s a whole lot of accountability and many of those that started and expanded it are dead now.


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