Train wreck Mark Sanford to Decide on Presidential Run by Labor Day – IOTW Report

Train wreck Mark Sanford to Decide on Presidential Run by Labor Day

LOL! Is he going to announce it on the Appalachian Trail, or from Argentina?

Breitbart has the story

10 Comments on Train wreck Mark Sanford to Decide on Presidential Run by Labor Day

  1. The Democrats with political skills are smart to avoid this election cycle. “Sure, Trumpian politics ain’t bean-bag. ‘Tis a man’s game, an’ women, childer, cripples an’ prohybitionists ‘d do well to keep out iv it.”

    Republican politics of the establishment strain is more up their alley. But ambitious knot heads blinded by their own ambitions abound and this guy exemplifies the type.

  2. For the people who forgot…

    “From June 18 until June 24, 2009, Republican South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s whereabouts were unknown and there was media coverage of what was described as his disappearance. Subsequently, the Governor reappeared and admitted that he had been in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. He stated that in 2001 he met and became friends with this woman and that they started having a sexual relationship in 2008. His wife, Jenny Sanford became aware of the relationship in January 2009, and it was later revealed that two weeks prior to June 24 Sanford and his wife had begun a trial separation. The woman was later identified as Maria Belén Chapur, an Argentine journalist.

    During the six days of absence, one of the excuses offered by Sanford’s spokesperson was that Sanford was hiking the Appalachian Trail.[1] As a result, “hiking the Appalachian Trail” or “hiking the Appalachians” became a euphemism for a sexual scandal in the English language.[2][3] ”

  3. This is really cracking me up. He’s going on about Trump not sticking to promises and shit. LOLOLOL.
    Sanford is insane if he thinks he’s not going to be thrown in a political wood chipper.
    I hope his ex-wife shows up at the next Trump rally to endorse Trump. LOL.


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