Muslim Migration Lobby Feels ‘Ignored’ by 2020 Democrats as Trump Travel Ban Remains Popular – IOTW Report

Muslim Migration Lobby Feels ‘Ignored’ by 2020 Democrats as Trump Travel Ban Remains Popular


The Muslim migration lobby is feeling increasingly “ignored” by 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidates after many have stopped attacking President Trump’s travel ban, as it remains one of his most popular immigration policies to date.

Muslim migration advocates told Politico in interviews that their opposition to Trump’s travel ban — which has effectively ended legal immigration from Chad, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen — is not being voiced in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary.

In the last Democrat primary debate, for example, the constitutional and widely popular travel ban was only spoken about for less than two minutes. This, Muslim migration advocates said, is putting a bad taste in their mouth for the Democrat field of candidates:

“This is an issue that they aren’t taking as seriously as they should be,” said Mohamed Gula, executive director of the Muslim advocacy group Emgage and a former staffer on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. “Us being about 1 percent of the American population, to be ignored in that way, is definitely kind of putting a chip on our shoulder.” [Emphasis added]

Rabyaah Althaibani, a co-founder of the political consulting group Arab Women’s Voice, added: “It’s disappointing. I’m Yemeni and I don’t know a single Yemeni family that isn’t directly impacted by the Muslim ban.” [Emphasis added]

Democrats like former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have hardly attacked Trump’s travel ban — mainly because poll after poll has revealed that it remains one of the most popular policies enacted by the White House.
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8 Comments on Muslim Migration Lobby Feels ‘Ignored’ by 2020 Democrats as Trump Travel Ban Remains Popular

  1. These Muzzies are still coming — by ignoring the travel ban and arriving thru our Southern door. Blending in with the hordes from Central and South America…

    Just how many countries from Africa and Middle East did ICE and Border Patrol say was coming in that way ??

  2. Let’s talk travel ban shall we?

    13 Muslim countries ban all Israeli citizens from entering, 8 ban anyone who has even VISITED Israel. That’s a real religiously motivated ban.

    Now shut up and make me a BLT


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