‘Morally They Are Trying to Break America’ – IOTW Report

‘Morally They Are Trying to Break America’

Anti-Trafficking Activist on How Culture of Pornography Is Destroying Society.

Epoch Times:

As Epstein’s case keeps making the news and lurks over the American consciousness, an anti-sex trafficking activist and film director of a newly-released film on child sex trafficking points out a deep-rooted social problem that starts with the widespread culture of child pornography.

Jaco Booyens is the producer and director of the newly-released film, 8 Days, a feature film that talks about the hideous crime of child sex trafficking in the United States. Shot by a team of independent filmmakers at After Eden Pictures, the film is based on true events that depict modern-day sexual slavery in the country.

In an interview with The Epoch Times, Booyens comes across as someone who has a moral responsibility to tell this story. He wants to make people aware that things are happening “right under our noses in every sector” and that we need to protect our children. Booyens wants people to understand how the problem of child sex-trafficking is deeply rooted in the culture of pornography.

“Supply meets demand, so what is creating the demand for sex with minors? In what they’ve found, over 99 percent of the time, when we first find somebody who is involved in the crime, that they are also addicted to pornography,” said Booyens, whose own sister fell prey to child sex trafficking in South Africa in 1994. more here

6 Comments on ‘Morally They Are Trying to Break America’

  1. Liliya 4 Ever is about the trafficking of a young Russian girl whose mother abandons her for a boyfriend in America. It was heartbreaking and horribly realistic. Sickening. It is what God sees that we who have eyes to see but refuse to see.
    Interesting that the scandals of the Church is coincidental with the scandals of the deep state. Perhaps it is a truly Divine Intervention.
    There are sins that cry out to Heaven. God destroyed whole nations that practiced sodomy and child sacrifice. What will happen to His Church makes me tremble to think that God is Just.

  2. Who runs Hollywood? Who controls the politicians? The same people that control the media. The Devil’s own agents on earth.

    Quote from this article:
    “He said Hollywood and politicians know what’s happening but they are doing nothing about it.

    “They turn a blind eye because they know many of their friends, of their financial contributors, of their associates are involved. They are involved in pornography, they are involved in child abuse and child molestation. So it’s a very sick situation where culture has lost its morality,” said Booyens.”

    Jewish LA Times columnist proudly admits Jews run Hollywood
    Posted on September 5, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn
    “What is little known is that in 2008, two years after Mel Gibson’s drunken rant and six years before Oldman’s Playboy interview, a Jewish Los Angeles Times columnist named Joel Stein not only admitted that Jews indeed run Hollywood, he concluded his essay with an in-your-face f-you to America:

    “I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

    Below is Stein’s op-ed, “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon,” in its entirety.
    Who runs Hollywood? C’mon
    December 19, 2008 | Los Angeles Times | Joel Stein |
    [Entire article]

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