Bill de Blasio badgered by protester during CNN town hall – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio badgered by protester during CNN town hall


A protester upset over Democratic presidential candidate Bill de Blasio’s handling of police brutality in New York City interrupted his do-or-die CNN town hall.

The New York mayor has been relying on the national exposure to boost his flagging fundraising effort and poll numbers before the deadline for the third round of debates. He was heckled by a studio audience member Sunday night after he was asked about his inaction following the choking death of Eric Garner by an arresting officer in 2014. Gardner had been suspected of selling single cigarettes.

“What about Lieutenant Bannon? What about Officer Ramos? What about other officers that contributed to Eric Garner’s death?” the demonstrator shouted as the candidate attempted to finish responding to the question.

CNN moderator Ana Cabrera asked the woman to “please be respectful,” but she continued to ask about “other officers” before getting cut off again.

5 Comments on Bill de Blasio badgered by protester during CNN town hall

  1. No.
    A suicidal alcoholic couldn’t have been any worse than deBlasio.
    He probably changed his name so as NOT TO SHAME his suicidal alcoholic Dad.

    But that’s just a guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The lefties in New York keep spouting off about the police brutality in the death of the single cigarette seller, but never about why the cops had a reason to confront the guy in the first place.
    The reason was the laws they enacted for taxing cigs and the guy was bypassing that law (and the law of not having a permit to sell cigs). Then, the guy resists the officers which then escalates the situation and he ends up being subdued to death.
    Eliminate the stupid law(s), that would eliminate the need for confrontation in the first place (well, except for the guy’s loitering – which could have been handled with a “move along, Johnny).

    Belasio is still a douche, but New Yorkers are the ones who voted for him.


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