Lisa Page could save Andrew McCabe from DOJ criminal charges – IOTW Report

Lisa Page could save Andrew McCabe from DOJ criminal charges


[…] McCabe is also likely still being scrutinized in Horowitz’s inquiry into allegations of abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The surveillance warrant applications targeting Trump associate Carter Page required the approval of top members of the FBI and DOJ, and McCabe was involved in the FISA approval process. more here

7 Comments on Lisa Page could save Andrew McCabe from DOJ criminal charges

  1. “The investigation into McCabe has been lengthy — so long, in fact, the Times reported the term expired for grand jury hearing evidence. It began last year after Horowitz referred his findings to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington for possible criminal charges. Frustrated with the prolonged process, DOJ prosecutor Kamil Shields left the case and joined a private practice. Another assistant U.S. attorney, David Kent, is also no longer on the case.”

    and that is how it is done. Run out the clock. ‘Guilty as hell, free as a bird’
    I am saddened by what has been, and is being done to our country.
    As long as people such as christopher wray are running things, we have no equality of justice

  2. Another, in what will be a long line of swamp creatures, slithering their way to retirement with benefits, just like Koskinen, ain’t nothing gonna happen. There, I’ve said it.

  3. If a group of swamp arrests were made, would it hurt or benefit Trump in votes if the arrests and charges were made before the election?

    How would arrests and charges affect the left??

    — oolook


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