The shabby depravity of CNN, NBC, MSNBC, the NYT, et al. – IOTW Report

The shabby depravity of CNN, NBC, MSNBC, the NYT, et al.

American Thinker:

Everyone paying attention to current events and the political wars that bedevil us all knows that CNN, NBC, and MSNBC are not honest brokers in any sense of the word.  For the eight years of the Bush administration, they verbally assaulted the president all day, every day.  George W. ignored their dishonest, calculated attacks in an effort to remain above the fray.  Bush gave these alleged news outlets a pass by refusing to take them on.  This was a mistake that Donald Trump learned not to repeat.  He has fought back from moment one, with a quick retort or tweet.  The same media and their mouthpieces slavishly idealized Barack Obama and overlooked and or covered up his many crimes and egregious errors in judgment.  For the left media crowd, Obama could have ordered a genocide, and they still would have idolized him.  Obama effectively did sanction the slaughter of Christians throughout the Middle East during his administration; he welcomed many thousands of Muslim refugees and refused refugee status to displaced Christians who were targeted by ISIS.  Christians have been effectively erased from the entire region.

The same media employed all the same tactics to candidate Trump even before he became the candidate.  They mocked him; late-night comics devoted their programs to deriding the man.  Once he became the candidate, they all doubled down and became downright vicious.  When it comes to venomous cruelty, no one tops the Left, in the media and in the entertainment sector.  When focused on a perceived enemy of their regressive progressiveness, they toss aside any sense of decency and go for the jugular.  They become everything we teach our children and grandchildren never to become: contemptible, intolerant snobs.  That is exactly who these persons with a media platform have become: malignant reprobates.  Nothing proves this more than their campaign to convince voters that Trump is unfit for office, mentally ill, etc.  They are dragging out the most Trump-deranged people to diagnose a man they’ve never met.  Obviously, every one of these so-called experts should have his license revoked for malpractice.  For example, Dr. Allen Frances’s guest spot on CNN suggests he may well have been dispatched from Duke for displaying severe mental health problems himself.  Physician, heal thyself!

Dr. Frances appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources over the weekend to claim that Trump may be responsible for “more deaths than Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.”  Dr. Frances needs a history lesson.  Execrable host Brian Stelter let the man rant and rave without offering a shred of evidence for his assertions.  Of course not.  CNN then promoted the clip on Twitter!  There is clearly not a single sentient person at CNN. more

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

8 Comments on The shabby depravity of CNN, NBC, MSNBC, the NYT, et al.

  1. “They become everything we teach our children and grandchildren never to become: contemptible, intolerant snobs.” Have you met antifa or any millennials in silicon valley?

  2. We have their transcribed words On the Record. . .

    . . . Perm Records July 29, 2019

    Don’t forget Donny Douchebag Deutsch and the msNBC Juicy Gang. The Douchebag Traitor declared Open War on the President of the United States. Open War. This isn’t hyperberbole. He explicitly said no holds barred war. It was broadcast Live and he wasn’t laughing. He said “Nothing is off the table. Nothing.”

    Check the Record.

    Never Forget, msNBC. Front and behind scene producers of Live Evil.

  3. If “Hitler is in the WH, climate change is THE existential threat of our lifetime and white males/Christians/normal fly over country folks are more of a threat to our nation than Al-Qaeda” is your baseline, even more, hyperbolic sensationalized nonsense is required to feed the beast. That and the simple fact that they have been exposed for the sycophantic shills they are, no longer reporters and defenders of a free press, but cheerleaders, mouthpieces to spout the party line.

  4. When a group of flakes,creeps,perverts,lechers,cheaters,thieves,bounders,sleazy,nauseating social outcasts get together you should expect exactly what they deliver daily.

  5. Half the articles on the internet about “politics” are really just about promoting or insulting various news outlets or news personalities.

    At some point most people get fed of the jerk with the box of sour milk that he wants everyone to smell.

    The hell are people doing watching these shows?



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