‘Free Stuff, Sanders’ Promises A Fair & Balanced Pravda On The Potomac – IOTW Report

‘Free Stuff, Sanders’ Promises A Fair & Balanced Pravda On The Potomac


For pikers like straight out socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, ‘fair and balanced journalism’ is Pravda all the way.

Shirtless while singing ’This Land Is Your Land’ on his honeymoon in Moscow, this DNC-esteemed ‘white man of socialist privilege’ is now singing the ‘What Journalists Should Be’  ballad for an all too-accommodating Columbia Journalism Review (CJR.)

A CJR note at the bottom of an op-ed in which Sanders calls for action “to restore the media that Joseph Pulitzer and Walter Cronkite envisioned”, reads: “CJR welcomes all candidates to submit op-eds related to journalism.”


“Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now?” the organization asks.

You betcha!

But if it’s the unvarnished truth you seek, better to read 5-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, radio giant Mark Levin’s ‘Unfreedom of the Press’ rather than Bernie’s ridiculous ravings.

“…When I am president, my administration will put in place policies that will reform the media industry and better protect independent journalism at both the local and national levels,” Sanders wrote in his CJR piece.

Even though Sanders is running neck-and-neck with Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren in the race, most rational people know that Sanders will never get the DNC primary nod.

What he’s doing in the primary race in the first place is a whole other story, but it’s not primarily because the Democrat Party is one of 100 percent “inclusion”.

Sanders’ place in the primaries is proof positive that the Democrat Party has no real objection to fundamentally transforming America into a socialist state, just as Sanders and his Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-led “Squad” wants.

7 Comments on ‘Free Stuff, Sanders’ Promises A Fair & Balanced Pravda On The Potomac

  1. Reform the media industry. Code for banning anyone who disagrees with the rancid old commie. Let’s not fool ourselves though, there’s plenty of politicians that would love unfettered control of the 1st amendment.

    Gotta get that pesky 2nd out of the way first.

  2. Txn4Evr

    In ’90 the former USSR head (red birthmark on face) gave Ronnie a list of 1,000 KGB agents that had worked in America from ’40 to ’80. All 50 that Hover said were spying on The Bomb in ’42 (including the 2 killed for giving The bomb to USSR 10 years later) were on i!?!@#. Also walter’s 3 “handlers” between ’50 and ’80! Walt was not himself KGB but he was the puppet of the KGB for over 30 years!

    Also on the list were several directors of Pulitzer from ’40 to ’80 as well as the NYT’s most famous (infamous) “reporter”!


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