Colorado Couple Fights Bear In Their Home – IOTW Report

Colorado Couple Fights Bear In Their Home


A Colorado couple is lucky to be alive after facing off with a bear that wandered into their home in search of food. Jon Johnson and his wife, George Fields, found the mother bear and her two cubs inside their kitchen eating some bread that was left on the counter.

Johnson says the bear started charging toward him and he was forced to fight back.

“She and I were sparring if you will,” he told KMGH-TV. “She started getting aggressive, and that’s when she took a swipe at my nose. At that point, I smacked her right in her nose.” more here

16 Comments on Colorado Couple Fights Bear In Their Home

  1. Oh yeah. I still recall the first time I encountered a black bear walking toward me on a park road as I walked back to my camp site. I wasn’t sure what I ought to do. Then a car approached from behind the bear and he went off the road down the hill into the woods ending the need for a decision.

    Two hours later I asked a park ranger about the correct action to take. He said, “They usually run away as soon as they notice you.” My reply was, “Well, you know, don’t you, the word ‘usually has a different meaning from the word ‘always’.” I think ‘might not’ applies to a momma bear with cubs nearby.

    Last summer I had 3 encounters with black bears while on foot. The most interesting one the bear suddenly popped up out of a gully 20 yards ahead of me. We both just froze looking at each other. I was waiting to see if any cubs would soon appear, as a bear with three cubs had been sighted several times in the area. After 15 seconds and no cubs appeared I stepped sideways and the bear ran off into the woods. No bear encounters thus far this summer while out hiking. Which is kind of disappointing. Only one that ran across the highway a hundred yards ahead of me as I was driving home.

    Former safari guide and author Peter Allison advises – What ever you do, don’t run. Food runs.

  2. A shame to kill it especially with cubs. Yeah it wandered into the house but sounds like they had a door open for them to stroll into.
    I wouldn’t call that a dangerous and aggressive bear only one with cubs to feed.

  3. While deer hunting one season I had a large (estimate 500 lb) black bear walk within 6 feet of me where I was sitting. Needless to say my heart was pounding.

  4. While deer hunting one season I had a large (estimate 500 lb) black bear walk within 6 feet of me where I was sitting. Needless to say my heart was pounding. Many folks don’t realize that more people have been killed by Black Bears than Grizzly Bears. The reason is two fold: There are more Black Bears than Grizzly Bears. A Griz will maul you and walk away. A Black Bear will simply finish you off and walk away. I’m not saying all bears are vicious but the forest is their home, not ours. Mind your manners around bears.

  5. A few years a young male college (if I remember rightly) student was hiking in a park in New Jersey. He took
    photos of a black bear that was a few hundred feet away.
    The bear chased him down and killed him.
    In bleeping New Jersey!
    Boy Scout Motto: “Be Prepared”. Bad things can happen anytime.
    And of course the Lefties have destroyed the Scouts as
    they were too dangerous.

  6. I have yet to run into a bear whilst afield….. That stated, MJAs thumbnail was my avatar on a couple of other sites early on.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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