WaPo Investigation Finds ‘Almost Every Detail’ of Biden War Story False – IOTW Report

WaPo Investigation Finds ‘Almost Every Detail’ of Biden War Story False

‘This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden’

Washington Post investigation found that a war story frequently told by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on the campaign trail was false in nearly every detail.

At a Friday New Hampshire rally, Biden told the crowd that as vice president he had once been asked to travel to the dangerous Kunar province in Afghanistan to pin the Silver Star on a war hero who had rappelled down a steep wall to retrieve the body of a fallen comrade. Biden said he ignored others who warned him not to go. “We can lose a vice president,” he remembered saying. “We can’t lose many more of these kids.”

In Biden’s telling, as he pinned the medal to the hero’s chest, the tearful Navy captain told Biden that he didn’t deserve the medal because he hadn’t saved his friend in time. “This is the God’s truth,” he told the audience. “My word as a Biden.”

Except it wasn’t. “Almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect,” the Post reported Thursday. “Based on interviews with more than a dozen U.S. troops, their commanders and Biden campaign officials, it appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened.”

Biden did visit Kunar in 2008, but as a senator, not vice president. There, he watched as a major general pinned the Bronze Star to a soldier who successfully saved the life of an injured comrade during a Taliban ambush. The honored soldier, Miles Foltz, was a young Army specialist who pulled his comrade behind a rock, not an old Navy captain who rappelled down a wall. read more

SNIP: Hole E Crapp.
Mrs. Biden… Jill…. Girl, seriously.
If you’re not going to check him into the Rubber Ramada, at least get him to wear a buzzer that goes off every time he lies so we can all be entertained.

14 Comments on WaPo Investigation Finds ‘Almost Every Detail’ of Biden War Story False

  1. Poor Joe. Jumped the shark long ago. He and his wife are the only two dummies in America who have not figured that out yet. Bad enough to have to deal with one family member diving. Biden family is daily facing democrat double dementia denial disorder. Damn.

  2. “I was the guy who, single-handedly, threw Sputnik into outer space! I spun around, like how you throw a javelin, not a pig, but, you know a spear, and I threw Sputnik right through the cosmosphere. My word as a Biden!”

  3. “I was in the second battle of Arcturus, you know, where Mt. Parnassus is in the Florida Keys? Anyway, Apollo told me to stand fast to Prometheus The Elder. I did my duty. This fucking cannonball, not a train, but you know a ball fired from a cannon, hit me right in the forehead. Bounced right off! My word as a Biden!”

  4. I just love Joe Biden stories. They remind me of McDonald Fraser novels:
    Flashman at the Charge (of The Light Brigade).
    Flastman at Waterloo.
    Flashman and The Redskins etc.
    Biden in Afghanistan.
    Great fun.

  5. First of all I want all media to stop mis-characterizing this story as a flubbed war story. Biden was not in the service at the time of this supposed event. Call it what it is, a made up story using falsity to gain unearned credibility. In other words, it is a lie.


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