New Hampshire woman fights to keep vanity license plate – IOTW Report

New Hampshire woman fights to keep vanity license plate


ROCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire woman is fighting the state Department of Motor Vehicles over her 15-year-old vanity license plate showing a common parental phrase. reports Wendy Auger, of Rochester, has been asked to surrender the plate, which reads “PB4WEGO.” The state says phrases related to excretory acts aren’t permitted.

Auger’s appealing. She asked: “Who has a mom or dad or parental figure who hasn’t said that to kids before leaving the house?” more here

22 Comments on New Hampshire woman fights to keep vanity license plate

  1. This story just seems odd to me. For 15 years her plate was acceptable and now it’s not? Did it take them 15 years to figure it out? And why is she so attached to the plate, to begin with? I have had the same personalized plate for about 20 years, referencing a particular sport I routinely play and love, even had several people over the years offer to buy it from me for its originality. I have an attachment, what possible attachment is there to “pee before we go”? Maybe she is a urologist.

    I like her spunkiness in saying she is going to vigorously appeal this like her case could end up in front of the Supreme Court. Sadly, some unelected bureaucrat will spend about 5 seconds rendering his decision and that will be the end of it.

  2. Comey’s plate “LEAK4U”
    Omar’s plate “JEWH8R”
    Harris plate “FEL8R”
    Warren’s plate “UDNBT” you did not build that.
    Biden’s plate “DUUUUH!”
    Sanders plate “FRESTUF”
    Bill Clinton’s plate “HORNDOG”
    Hillary’s plate “FELON”
    Omar’s plate “JOBKILR”
    Ocasta’s plate “F8KNWS”

  3. The most far-out gross vanity tag I’ve ever seen was, of course, in San Francrisco. I even remember where I saw it – on Sloat between 19th Ave. and Portola. On a PINK Mustang convertible, driven by a…person…with PINK hair was the tag

    VA N QLO

    You have to know Spanish, and know how the letter Q is pronounced as a letter, to know that the message was


    I’ll let you look it up yourselves if you need to.

    I swear I’m not making this up, and it isn’t hearsay.
    I saw this with my own eyes.

  4. Charge state officials with being crotch gutter-minded jerks. Then claim PB4WEGO is an acronym for Pray before we go. I know several people who frequently do just that before every long trip. However, they also frequently advise the other meaning too.

  5. Pray before we go.
    If you don’t do that currently, your lucky and young.
    Sooner or later, you will understand, it catches up with everyone.
    Sorry, never mind, thought this was about taken a dump.

  6. My Bro Rueben had a plate that read DBYLC and he was always asked WTF IS THAT?
    When we would party and he had too much to drink, he’d put on his Vincente Fernandez records. And I’d always say…Hey, my favorite group. DON BORRACHO Y LOS CABALLOS! Of course that was back in the 70’s where people would bet drinks on that shit!

  7. NH Resident here…
    Heard a report last evening that the NH Governor is stepping in to allow the woman to keep her plate.
    Apparently, since the story went viral, it’s making the state DMV look bad.

  8. I guess there are people who actually pay attention to shit like this?

    Can’t imagine why anyone would give a fuck, much less shell out the bucks for “vanity” plates.

    Two have caught my eye (both in DC): one read “Mr Nigg” and the other “Roy’s Toy” (the car or the driver?).

    Guess I’m too old.

    izlamo delenda est …


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