Kamala Harris Donor Tangled in Sleazy D.C. Lottery Mess – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Donor Tangled in Sleazy D.C. Lottery Mess


Meet Emmanuel Bailey. He’s a major donor to Kamala Harris, having seemingly provided $6,500 to Kamala Harris for the People. I’m not sure how that’s possible, but in D.C., everything is possible.

All you need is a dollar, some connections, and a horrible dream.

A federal grand jury is investigating the awarding of the $38 million contract to run the District of Columbia lottery, a process that raises further questions about corruption in a city government already beleaguered by criminal prosecutions.

Regardless of the outcome of the probe, the awarding of the lottery contract — which went to Greek gaming company Intralot in 2009 — illustrates systemic problems that open the door for elected officials to play politics with the contracting process and influence who wins.

Enter local businessman Emmanuel Bailey. A friend of Intralot lobbyist and former councilmember Kevin Chavous — who had introduced him to Gray during the first round of bidding — Bailey was brought on as a subcontractor with a 51 percent stake. Because he entered the contract after the procurement process, he didn’t get the same level of scrutiny from the CFO’s office before the council voted to approve the contract.

Bailey’s company operated out of his mother’s home. When city inspectors visited it, they found two desks, two computers and a printer in a family room. They found no company letterhead or business cards. Inspectors wrote in their report that the company should find a suitable office space before being considered for certification as a legitimate local business.


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