Obama appointed Federal appeals court judge overturns ISIS conviction of Muslim convert guilty in plot to Behead Pamela Geller – IOTW Report

Obama appointed Federal appeals court judge overturns ISIS conviction of Muslim convert guilty in plot to Behead Pamela Geller

Geller Report:

Daoud Wright was a Boston ISIS operative who plotted to behead me. He was found guilty on five counts in the Islamic State terrorist plot. Muslim convert Wright was the ringleader of the beheading plot. Late this afternoon, one of those convictions was overturned when Federal Appeals Justice David J. Barron said Wright “could have been simply been ‘role-playing’ with respect to following ISIS’s direction.’’ What? Has everyone gone off their rocker?

The jury didn’t think so – they brought the verdict in swiftly:

They had reached five verdicts in six hours.

“Mr. Wright is a terrorist, an ISIS supporter and recruiter who intended to wage war against the United States by beheading people and killing Americans” . MORE

12 Comments on Obama appointed Federal appeals court judge overturns ISIS conviction of Muslim convert guilty in plot to Behead Pamela Geller

  1. Well, can the Feds appeal that decision or simply re-try him? I suspect that the Appeals Court defined a “error in law” as their opinion rather then a factual error. Seems that a speedy retrial would be better and certainly more public. Then the fat bastard can resume spending decades more in the slammer.

  2. I don’t think it was just this Judge. The appeals court made the decision and this Judge wrote the opinion. Unless I read the story wrong which has been known to happen 🙂


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