Reaction: ‘I Wouldn’t Say James Comey Is Out of the Woods’; ‘This Is Just the Beginning’ – IOTW Report

Reaction: ‘I Wouldn’t Say James Comey Is Out of the Woods’; ‘This Is Just the Beginning’

( – Reaction came swiftly on Thursday, after the Justice Department inspector general released a reportsaying that former FBI Director James Comey failed to live up to his responsibility to protect sensitive information.

And by using sensitive information to force the appointment of a special prosecutor, the OIG found that Comey “set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees — and the many thousands more former FBI employees — who similarly have access to or knowledge of non-public information.”

“I wouldn’t say James Comey is out of the woods,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) said.

“We’re in the pregame show. This is just the beginning,” Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s attorney said.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said the IG report shows that Comey, by leaking information to achieve a personally desired end (the appointment of a special counsel) “calls into question literally all of the actions and all of the decisions made by Jim Comey throughout his tenure.”

Comey, in response to the report, bragged via Twitter that he did not release classified information to the media. And he said it would nice to get a “sorry we lied about you” from “those who defamed me.”

“I think that we have rarely seen somebody so delusional and self-serving as James Comey in public life in America,” Biggs, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News on Thursday.

Comey will not be criminally charged for his wrongdoing, but it’s not over yet Biggs said: “Well, he might get a pass in some respects on this, but his reputation is shot to pieces.

“But there’s another report that’s going to come out from the inspector general in a few weeks. And I wouldn’t say James Comey is out of the woods. I don’t think this is the last we have heard of James Comey, regrettably.” more

25 Comments on Reaction: ‘I Wouldn’t Say James Comey Is Out of the Woods’; ‘This Is Just the Beginning’

  1. “Well, he might get a pass in some respects on this, but his reputation is shot to pieces”

    Flynn, Pappadopoulous, Carter Page, Manafort…..could only hope to be as severely “punished”, as Comey/McCabe etc.

  2. Maybe he’ll end up being one of those tens of thousands of sealed indictments that get talked about so often as being ready to be sprung on the deep state.

    You know, those indictments Q has told us about that are always on the verge of being unsealed but which never actually are.

  3. If he isn’t going to be charged the shutdown the Goddamned FBI and salt the earth that is sprung from to prevent another iteration from emerging there from. Enough is enough, and if it’s the law of the jungle that we are destined to live under then fuck the pretense of Lex Rex. This fucking nonsense is a farce and is antithetical to everything the United States supposedly stands for and I, for one have had enough.

    Our forefathers would have been shooting by now.

  4. This is the pregame show?

    When the baseball All Start Game was in Seattle I was thinking of getting tickets for my father. You could not just buy tickets to the game, you had to also buy tickets for all of the pregame stuff such as the Home Run Derby, et al, and the total was several hundred dollars per person.

    Can we just get to the game already, or are we just going to “put this all behind us?”

  5. “Well, he might get a pass in some respects on this, but his reputation is shot to pieces.”?!@?$%!


    Now if the AG were to lein his house, levy all his bank accounts – then

    How worried do you think Pes Bill is about his rep!@?!?$

    Or the progressive who looked me in the eye and told a big lie, “Im a —conservative!”!@?!

    Govt folk worry not about reputations! the real question is “How dumb does Biggs thin all Americans are?”! Some are not dumb!

  6. “his reputation is shot to pieces” in a similar way that Hillary’s “reputation was shot to pieces” after Comey’s refusal to indict her back in 2016; to the right, he never had a good reputation, and to the left he is still a saint. Nothing has changed, or will change until these traitors are jailed and/or executed.

  7. In the latest late night infomercial they are trying to sell us a new Improved product called “JUSTICE”. With JUSTICE you will see Swamp Creature shrivel and go to JAIL. With the IG report you will see JUSTICE. BUT, WAIT THERE’S MORE!!
    There’s always more if you just wait, and wait and wait some more.

  8. If our fucking government can’t even fire nor prosecute a mid-tier bureaucrat piece of shit like Lois Lerner who illegally shared tax information on average citizens to democrat congresspigs and Obama White House motherfuckers for the sole purpose of denying them their 1A rights and financially terrorizing them just because they were Tea Party members, then you can bet that not a goddamn motherfucking thing is gonna happen to that arrogant cocksucker Jimmy Comey. Fuck our government, especially the DoJ and the FBI, disgusting, corrupt, traitorous pukes.

  9. The “Rule of Law” is dead in America.

    If you’re powerful, wealthy, organizational and/or politically connected….

    You can break the Law and not be brought to justice…..

    Prove me wrong…..”If true.”

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