Don’t tell me your pronouns — I can guess! – IOTW Report

Don’t tell me your pronouns — I can guess!

American Thinker:

A leftist shtick that been going on for some time in universities, government offices, and other haunts of the chronically offended is the idea of choosing one’s own personal pronouns — and expecting the world to actually use them.  Under this scheme, it would be politically correct for me to self-identify as:

e.m. cadwaladr

The main point of this bold new level of wokeness is that a man who wants to entertain an essentially psychotic delusion that he’s a woman may now style himself:

Higgly-Piggly Doe

If someone does not go along with such a man’s mentally aberrant state and address him according to his delusional identity, the offending person can be prosecuted in some localities.  Nor is this game limited to mere conventional gender dysphoria sufferers.  There are now sixtyish new pronoun sets, just as we are told there are sixtyish new genders.  I do not know what genders “zie/zim/zir” or “ey/em/eir” denote.  These words sound vaguely Yiddish to me — though they lack the Yiddish language’s quirky charm.  The new pronouns are always uttered with a certain peevish militancy that precludes them having charm of any kind.

Now, I am an eccentric to the core myself.  I spell out my pseudonym in lower case for no better reason than that I do.  However, people usually don’t notice and address me as E.M. or Mr. Cadwaladr, and this tells me nothing other than that they lack my interest in unorthodox typography.  Colleagues butcher my real name with predictable regularity — and yet I fail to run to the police or collapse in a mortified swoon.  My habitual retort is, “Well — I’ve been called worse things than that.”  I smile, and they smile, and the world continues to spin about its axis without any interruption.  I feel no need to slink away in tears to the nearest safe space — no need for a therapist to help me through the heinous crime against the all-important “me.” read more

17 Comments on Don’t tell me your pronouns — I can guess!

  1. Hey, Twatwaffle.
    Hey, Shitpickle.
    Go suck off a Donkey.
    Your mouth looks (and smells – I’d imagine – having no experience) like a goat’s asshole.

    “Gender” neutral and appropriate in almost every circumstance.

    Glad to be of help.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Actually, a hex head socket on a reversible electric drill would be more effective than the crescent wrench even if you reverse the tools. However, the crescent wrench would work in a pinch as it can be used for both SAE and metric.

  3. Of course the truth is obvious.
    If you have self-confidence you don’t require people to cater to your specific needs, and can laugh at errors or even intentional slurs.
    If you don’t have self-confidence you are struggling and needy in probably a variety of ways, and cannot see that the easy way out is to develop yourself rather than insist on the compliance of people over whom you have zero control.
    Don’t even have to be a psychologist to know that! 🙂

  4. Let’s just be P/C & call them all “It”. That way you can’t offend any of them, that is at least until they create a species in their group that they can’t even identify.

  5. I will soon be opening up my first de-sensitivity center called Redneck Offense. It will specialize in de-sensitizing snowflakes of all kinds. Masculine white men with MAGA hats will be employed as therapists who will scream insults at snowflakes until they become totally immune from any verbal assault, or until their heads explode, whichever occurs first. Payment can be made in cash but I expect most costs will be paid by Trump’s new mental healthcare plan. I will be offering franchises of Redneck Offense, a fantastic investment opportunity, for $1,000,000 each or perhaps some of you are seeking employment. Stay tuned.


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