When Obama Tried to ‘Red Flag’ Vets and Seniors – IOTW Report

When Obama Tried to ‘Red Flag’ Vets and Seniors

American Thinker:

We saw the presumption of innocence under assault during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh and it is once again under assault with the consideration of so-called “red flag” laws after the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso.  These laws would allow authorities to disarm law-abiding citizens on the basis that it had been somehow determined that they are an “unstable threat” to themselves and to society.

This determination can be made based on reports from vengeful former spouses, ex-girlfriends and boyfriends,  former coworkers, hostile neighbors, just about anybody with a grievance, even by government agencies pushing a gun-control agenda.

We are assured that the gun owner guilty of no crime can pursue what is laughingly called “due process” and petition the judge to have his legally purchased firearm returned to him by proving to a judge he is not crazy or dangerous. Just how do you do that, pray tell? And just how can a state have a “red flag” law anyway, infringing on a federal and national right established by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? Which part of “shall not be infringed” do red flag law advocates not understand?

9 Comments on When Obama Tried to ‘Red Flag’ Vets and Seniors

  1. “Which part of “shall not be infringed” do red flag law advocates not understand?”

    OH, they definitely understand it.
    They openly and endlessly ignore its true meaning.

    They have only ONE objective and that is to disarm America.

  2. If Obama was so eager to confiscate guns from people of “marked subnormal intelligence” why didn’t he start in his hometown of Chicago? Or better yet, every registered democrat?

  3. ‘Obama’ was the greatest fraud and the greatest disaster ever to fall upon our country. He’s nothing more than an organ grinder monkey for the liked of soros.

  4. Dis-arming America
    makes America INVADIBLE.

    In the late ’70’s
    Leonid Bresznev knew that
    Jimmy Carter would surrender
    rather than risk nuclear war

    But the soviets knew that America was


    because America has an armed citizenry.

    There are other reasons why the 2A is there
    This is just one.


    1. An anonymous member of the community can simply make a false claim that you are a witch.
    2. You get “due process” by the inquisition to admit, or prove that you aren’t.

    My how we’ve evolved!

  6. It’s the Communist Cultural Revolution applied to American society.
    Get every busy body to watch everybody else and tattle on them in the name of our own safety or more realistically, because they just don’t like you! Maybe even earn Government rewards for doing so!

  7. Guns are not the problem, we had guns for longer than we have been a country.
    It’s our culture, the schools the media and Hollywood that have driven people not to value life. Mass killing was never a concern before the 60’s. Before then kids could put their guns in their lockers then go hunting on the way home from school.
    If you were able to take every gun away and you can’t, there would still be mass killers, just look at Japan or England.
    You would still need guns to stop mass killers.
    At this point waiting for the police is not the best option. Remember the shooting a few months ago at the city hall, it took the police a half hour to get in and stop the guy? They were in the same building complex, they just didn’t have the right key to get in.
    One thing that stops a bad guy is good guys with guns being able to stop them, so more good people being armed would slow this kill rate down. This is not the best way to live, there will still be needless death.
    The question is how do we change the culture, how can we teach people to value life. And how can we put the genie back in the bottle?
    It’s NOT impossible just near that, until the left rejects the culture of death and starts teaching life and values.
    -jumps down off soap box-


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