What about the Doctors? – IOTW Report

What about the Doctors?

The Bull Elephant:

A few months ago, Ileana Johnson wrote an article about her unfortunate experiences with a hospital emergency room.   Long waits and multiple languages created problems for her and she gave up and left the ER – even though she had not been diagnosed and might have experienced some type of cardiac event.  Her experience caused me to reflect on the other side of this issue – what about the doctors?

24 Comments on What about the Doctors?

  1. Due to the layers of legalese gov’t crap the docs are
    forced to deal with, new MD prospects are going into
    non-patient medical fields. Better money, less stress
    and no risk of getting sued by a nutter.
    We are running out of MD’s. Fast.

  2. Everything gone wrong with this country can be blamed on the Left, subdivided into politicians, judges, lawyers, rent seekers, sodomites, and lazy greedy parasites…ultimately all Leftists or tools of the Left. Prove me wrong.

  3. ..most of the older docs retired with Obamacare. Doctors now generally avoid patient contact to the greatest extent possible, relegating actual patient care to Physician’s Assistants and Nurse Practitioners, and of course greatly increasing the burdens on RNs and LPNs, but that’s ALWAYS been Dr. behavior.

    Last time I took my wife to the hospital, it was because she got a lizard bite on a weekend and all the “urgent cares” and “doc-in-a-boxes” were closed. It was around 2300, and it wasn’t a huge wound, but it was a ragged one an a RT finger and kind of deep, and also some antibiotics would be nice given the mechanism of injury. So, off to the local ER, which hospital had been bought and bought again, and being a second-ring suburb didn’t have the cachet of being where the “rich people” are (they all moved even further from the cities except for the “Urban Gentrifying” neckbeard types”, but also wasn’t (yet) overrun by illegals and minorities shot by other minorites while committing crimes the “news” doesn’t report on.

    Anyway, by some miracle, no one was there and the ambulance bays were empty, so, quick trip, right?


    Spent the obligatory hour in the waiting room before they deigned to walk her back to a treatment room in a mostly empty “fast track” ward. This was guarded by a lone nurse who did vitals, discharged the elderly couple who were the only visible (or audible) other patients, had us sign the obligatory fuckton of paperwork, get blood, then disappeared for another hour.

    He came back to tell us the ward was closing and to move us to another ward.

    Where a PA eventually joined us, bathed my wife’s hand in Betadine, started to inject a local, stopped abruptly, then disappeared for a half-hour or so. An apologetic (different) nurse came in and told us that the PA had stuck himself while injecting my wife, and would we please allow them to test her blood for social diseases and AIDS so he would’t be scared?

    This was getting pretty silly, but to avoid starting over again at a DIFFERENT hospital (and also to see if she’d been UP to something…nah, just kidding….), we consented.

    …guess they don’t have the word STAT any more for these tests, because ANOTHER hour and ANOTHER room move went by before the PA re-emerged, apologizing for the stick and delay and looking like he’d been in a room crying in fear until he got tge (negative) results. (N.B. to anyone considering ANY sort of medical career – you WILL be exposed to diseases, very NASTY ones, too, and if this scares you, you should probaly learn floral arrangement instead).

    So he then did a frankly terrible stich job on her moslty woke and not re-anesthetized finger, and we left with all we REALLY wanted, a a script for an antibiotic.

    Can’t go further than that – pending litigation, you know – but you’ll notice that you never saw me use the word “Doctor” in that story.

    It’s because we never saw one.

    One never even walked by.

    In theory they had at LEAST one, and granted s/he could have been busy, but it USED to be that in a 4 hour hospital sorjoun he’d favor you with a drive-by to bill it to you, if nothing else.

    Nope. Not today.

    I have found this is increasingly common, partly driven by insurance companies, but also from scarisity of doctors and hospital policies that emphasize lower-level techicians for lesser issues. Many of the docs have fled to the way-outer ring burbs that are the current haunts of the mostly White liberal elete (look on a map at how far the City of Cinncinnati is from West Chester, Ohio where John Boehner, et. al., lives and where the hospital chains have been furiously establishing themselves and you’ll see what I mean), and so actual “doctor” service has become rare and desultory at best, and non-existent (as in our case) at worst.

    …and this doesn’t even get into the whole “transgender” abomination that the local Children’s Hospital has jumped into with both feet, with a shiny new “trans” FLOOR and a launch event full of insane children and the wokeiest “adults” and glowing local media coverage (fyi, ALL the local “news” anchors were VISIBLY upset when Hillary lost) in a local airplane hangar, but I digress…

    …so, at the end of the day, you COULD say it’s because of Socialized Medicine, cheaping insurance companies, exploding litiguousness, engulfing illegal alien populations, ridiculous bills from collegiate indoctrination factories where they train, being forced to validate insanity, docs fleeing to work among the White, or whatever, but all this traces back to a single source for the dearth of physicians within 50 miles of urban centers.

    So, Thanks Obama.

    The cancer symptom of our age. And while he, himself, is someone else’s puppet, he is a WILLING puppet that this would NOT have been possible without.

    So again, thanks Obama. Your treasons are many, but your destruction and perversion of the medical profession just may have been the longest-lasting, perhaps even irreversible, outgrowth of you campaign to destroy America, and may the Devil in Hell pay you for eternity for it because even if there WERE Earthy justice, you could only die ONCE, and THAT’S just not enough…

  4. Dan
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 AT 9:27 AM
    As of 2009 when i looked it up, “Doctors kill more people through “medical misadventure” than firearms.”

    …this is so common that they have Latinite words for it, and have for some time.

    “Iatrogenic” illnesses mean problems caused by physicians through incompetence or carelessness

    “Nosocomial” are illnesses you get from just BEING at the hospital, whether from improper patient handling, inadequare isolaton, poor sanitation, etc., its an illness you wouldn’t have had if you DIDN’T go to a hospital.

    …and both are probably worse now, since all the “educational” institutions focus on “wokedness” now, and don’t have TIME for that boring medical stuff…

  5. There’s always the concierge services which, as I understand it, you essentially pay to keep on retainer, or maybe like a subscription. Whichever, that makes the doc available to you whenever you need them, immediately. I think that’s how it is said to work.

  6. ERs are more exciting than a live Jerry Springer show, but it depends on if your seeking treatment or just stopping by for the free carney show. Safety tip: Be safe, wear a face mask, goggles, a flak jacket and be damn sure your overseas shots are up to date.

  7. @Anonymous, you are welcome to not read them, but as long as our gracious hosts permit it, I will share stories pertinent to the threads as I see fit, which is at least more of a content committment than someone who won’t even provide a fake name while loging an irrelevant complaint is providing…

  8. Supernightshade SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 AT 9:58 AM

    “…and this doesn’t even get into the whole “transgender” abomination that the local Children’s Hospital has jumped into with both feet, with a shiny new “trans” FLOOR and a launch event full of insane children and the wokeiest “adults” and glowing local media coverage (fyi, ALL the local “news” anchors were VISIBLY upset when Hillary lost) in a local airplane hangar, but I digress…”

    You’re my favorite… Have no need to shine your ass, but since I hold the patent rights on “verbose” I will not sue for copyright infringement if you promise to do he same for me. I’m going to send the address on this thread to my little “e-mail group” and highlight the excerpt from your comment. I greatly appreciate “your stories” as life experience has all the value to me.

    P.S. Told Mr. Big to send you my e-mail address a while ago and if you haven’t received it you could ask him for it. (Or not…)

  9. …I will, @Anymouse, I did not know that. Actually, I’m a bit worried about Mr. B because I sent him a portrait request too and haven’t heard back, and what with the hurricane and I haven’t seen him post today, well, I’m hoping it was just a computer thing like dear Claudia had and nothing worse…

    …also, as always, thank you @Claudia for your kindness. We have the best hosts and hostesses here, and no one knows better than you how a mangy dog hangs around if a kind person scratches his ears, which is one reason this is the porch I’ve chosen to sleep on for awhile…

    Thanks and God bless,

  10. Doctors from other nations. I was recently assigned a doctor by my health insurance provider. He is from Korea. I’m sure he is a fine guy, probably more knowledgeable than myself, but I couldn’t understand much of what said. So I’m not going back to him. A few years ago a doctor wrote out a prescription for me that I couldn’t read and I told him if he can’t write it out so I can read it I’m not paying for the visit. That didn’t go over very well.

  11. SNS,

    Suspect Mr. Big is okay in that other threads started by him above this one. The only thing is that with the volume of communications I suspect he gets there’s no guarantee some might not fall through the cracks. That and replies are not going to be expected on a timely basis (act least not by me).

    The ER thing is better left to when we might have each others e-mail or I will be topping your verbiage for sure. Have to leave it here as the “part time” job calls. Check back later this evening early…

  12. I don’t go to the doctor. I know this old Island woman that dances around me with beaded streamers terminated with chicken feet, shouting unintelligible incantations, waves smoke on me from small smoldering bundles of plants and then spits herbal spirits at me. Haven’t had even a cold in years.

  13. SuperNightShade. I read your posts and everyone elses. Even those anonymous ones (and i even reread my rambling posts). Thats why i haunt here. Because the stories are great and the responses are entertaining, educational and informative and snarky, cant forget snarky. A merger of information, enlightenment and entertainment at IOTW. LOL (personal thumbs down for Beck reference)

  14. @grool September 2, 2019 at 10:11 am
    “There’s always the concierge services…”

    My rheumatologist was all for that but he said I’d never be able to afford the drugs on my own. He had to give up solo practice and join a group because just the RECORD KEEPING required by the feds needed 3 people. Concierge meant he only had to keep his OWN records.

    The system is stacked – big pharma and big insurance requires big brother oversight, pharma and insurance make big money, then they feed big brother.


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