Southern Humidity is the Worst! – IOTW Report

Southern Humidity is the Worst!

18 Comments on Southern Humidity is the Worst!

  1. As I expected, my neighbor returned from Florida this a.m. His biggest complaint wasn’t the heat but the humidity. He also got a speeding ticket in Georgia for 16 over. My understanding of Georgia traffic laws is the guys going to have to pay the ticket but that he will receive a second ticket in the mail from the state for being 10 or more miles per hour over the speed limit. Can anyone verify this so I can give him the news?

  2. I once heard a northern tell this story:

    He used to think that southerners were lazy and that’s why they spoke with a s-l-o-w d-r-a-w-l. Then he went to New Orleans. He was in a building with air conditioning. Then he went outside. A—n—d. T—h—i—s w—a—s a—b—o—u—t t—h—e f—a—s—t—e—s—t h—e—c—o—u—l—d t—a—l—k.

  3. Okay, so let’s forget about the southern humidity – there’s nothing I can do about that – and instead let’s focus on the southern hospitality. Now that’s a much a more pleasant attribute.

  4. I stuccoed the inside of a Downstairs Enclosure on a Stilt House

    Today on Ramrod Key….Wind was blowing 20 plus….But not where I

    was working….

    Stucco and Humidity make You immediately aware that Men

    have Nipples too….(Thank You Robin Williams) 10 bottles of Water

    and I still ain’t Peed …

  5. obama, clinton, comey, jarrett and the like should all be sentenced to life at hard labor in the most humid area of the nation. Swampists to the swamp.

    Boenher, ryan and mcconnell would do well doing a few years themselves. How about ten?

  6. Google the ten most humid places in America. My hometown is number two, behind some town in the Pacific Northwest. Except, they don’t have the Texas heat along with it. I had a Viet Nam vet tell me that Houston in August reminded him of the jungles of Southeast Asia. I grew up in these conditions with no air conditioning and when my dad finally got it, I was a senior in high school. That first night lying in bed with that central A/C unit humming along, I thought this is what heaven must be like.

  7. Besides Dr. Yeh, another favorite person, Willis Carrier, inventor of modern AC.
    Yeah, white guy, who knew?
    No AC growing up, went to a school that had AC for one whole year, then back to the steam rooms.
    It may be uncomfortable but your skin feels maaavilous.


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