“To remind those in power of the catastrophic effects of illegal immigration.” – IOTW Report

“To remind those in power of the catastrophic effects of illegal immigration.”

Summit News:

The Uncle of an Italian girl who was raped and murdered by a Nigerian migrant has threatened to show photos of her dismembered body to the Italian parliament if the country’s new government repeals Matteo Salvini’s strict immigration laws.

Following the collapse of Italy’s coalition government, led by populist firebrand Salvini, the 5 star movement is set to form a new coalition with the left of center Partito Democratico (PD).

This prospect led the Uncle of 18-year-old Pamela Mastropietro, who was raped, murdered and dismembered by a Nigerian “cannibal mafia” in the Italian town of Macerata, to threaten to display photos of his niece’s remains to the public. more

8 Comments on “To remind those in power of the catastrophic effects of illegal immigration.”

  1. Yeah, but she is just a citizen. Nobody important. It’s not as if she were a member of Parliament protected by good guys with guns or anything.

    And the uncle would not be this upset if it were done by a white guy.

    (I certainly hope /s is not necessary.)

  2. There was this Nigerian motherfucker who lived in West Des Moines, IA about 10 years ago. He was the boy toy of some fatassed libtard cow going to Drake Law School at the time. I used to see him jogging around the neighborhood all the time. Had a big friendly smile every time I said hello to him. He was literally the only Nigerian in that entire town of about 80,000.

    He had a hobby… He’d find young newly wed couples, all of them white, of course. Break into their homes in the middle of the night. He’d roust the couple at gun point in their bedrooms and tie both parties up. He’d then place the man on the floor face up, lie the wife on top of her husband; so they were looking at each other face to face. Then he’d anally rape the wife while she was looking her husband in the eye. Needless to say, he was the worst kind of sub-human scum imaginable… What a coincidence that he happened to be the only fucking African immigrant in the entire fucking town?

    His demise was quite satisfying, though. And I’ll always respect the West Des Moines detective squad for this. He was tracked down to the condo he shared with his fat libtard cow wife and then shot resisting arrest. Had a .38 special in his hand and everything. Now, he may or may not of been brandishing that pistol when they blew his worthless jungle coon ass away. But I really don’t give a fuck. Justice was done.


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