Warning, Toxic Masculinity Alert! – IOTW Report

Warning, Toxic Masculinity Alert!

Conservative Treehouse:

After a hurricane, lunch-buckets are the second-best ‘buckets’… believe me.

So far over 3,000 power crews have arrived at the Daytona Intl Speedway staging area, with more en route.  That’s a not-so-small army of over 16,000 lineman and electrical utility personnel staged and prepared to jump into action depending on the impact zone of Hurricane Dorian.

The power crews are from all over the United States and Canada, with more on the way to alternate staging areas. The logistics of assembling an army of hardhats is intense, but these calloused and determined hands are some of the true-grit heroes in the aftermath of any hurricane event.

The Daytona International Speedway works great and holds almost perfect facility structure to support the scale of food, fuel and logistics.  Daytona is one of twenty-four staging areas throughout the Southeast where crews are assembling.

[Florida Plunder and Loot] (FP&L) Company President Eric Silagy welcomed crews to Florida.
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21 Comments on Warning, Toxic Masculinity Alert!

  1. All those men risking their lives in those conditions so that our feminist overlords don’t have to go more than a day or two without logging on to HuffPo to read about how men are obsolete.

  2. And if there is one single female in that crew, we will know about it. If you so much as have a computer turned on in your house in the next few weeks, you will hear about her.

  3. “Why would a smart female join one of those crews when she can just wait and have the men do all the hard sweaty labor for her?”

    Pretty good question. It’s the male gender role to do such things. Meanwhile, it’s considered peak sexism (and nearly illegal) to even discuss female obligation to their own gender roles.

  4. The feminist movement is withering on the vine because there are so many available women from other countries that haven’t been ruined by it. Russian women don’t want to be men. They want men to be the men so they don’t have to be. They want to be women. Just like the good old days. MAGA!

  5. My son is down there, holed up in the Disney Hilton with a bunch of crews that were moved into place from the raceway.
    He and a company from up here in North Maine drove down last week to help with the recovery.
    He tried to get the higher ups to let them have bucket truck races, but they said maybe after the power is back on LOL.
    Over 18,000 deplorables waiting for the inevitable mess to clean up.
    Pray for their safety.

  6. Feminists should be allowed to work as linemen (linepeople, actually) and they should be handed the appropriate tools to immediately go to work on 250,000 volt downed power lines. One-day training is optional.

  7. This is MUCH worse than toxic….

    there is no hard count of women, Wymen of color, transgender, CIS, or gender fluid humans mentioned ANYWHERE in the never ending article full of crap info!!!

    Learned more reading the comments here than the linked article!

  8. Thank God for “toxic masculinity”. It represents men who typically make great fathers and husbands. They work hard, support their communities and country. Proud of those “toxic male” linemen.
    BTW, if they’re are any female linemen who acknowledge the normal, God given genetically assigned definitions of what is male and female, the left considers you toxic, too.

  9. Florida Power to residents: we would be delighted if you would evacuate before the storm hits. You will be “de-lighted” if you don’t.

    I have a co-worker who’s dad is a safety manager for local power compoo any whose guys deploy in situations like this. They lost a guy last year in restoring power in an emergency–so keep all of these people in your prayers. Too often we think they are just in clean up mode, but there is true danger in what they do, not including the threats from the populace in getting their power back on “schnell.”


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