You’re Never Too Old to Learn Something Stupid – IOTW Report

You’re Never Too Old to Learn Something Stupid


That admonition in the headline can be applied to most of the candidates for the Democrat nomination for president. Look at what they are proposing for a validation of the headline.

Well, how can the designation of “stupidity” be applied to the Democrat candidates? Here are some examples of what they have proposed:

  • Having taxpayers payoff student debt, even for students majoring in useless classes of Art History, Gender and Black Studies etc. in which the job prospects after graduation are very low or non-existent.
  • Giving convicted felons, including murderers, in prisons the right to vote.
  • Having people give up their employer furnished medical plan for a government mandated plan (Medicare for all).
  • Giving everyone a monthly stipend to spend as they please regardless of the costs that would be in the trillions of dollars.
  • Wanting to confiscate all guns in opposition of the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
  • Giving reparations to all black people who can prove that their great-great-great grandparents were slaves even though slavery ended 156 years ago.
  • Mandating joining a labor union for all workers regardless of whether they want to join a union (this proposal is payback for union support of the Democrats over the years).
  • Banning all fossil fuels in 12 years by replacing it with solar and wind energy which means we will not to able to drive our cars, use planes, or generate enough electric power to make our lives more bearable.
  • Letting all illegal aliens, who violate our borders by entering illegally, enter our country with a promise of welfare benefits and future citizenship.
  • Packing the Supreme Court by adding more Democrat leaning justices.
  • Permitting late term abortions up till the moment of birth from the womb.

These are just a few of the “stupid” proposals that the majority of Democrat candidates have proposed to screw up our economy and our way of life. more here

12 Comments on You’re Never Too Old to Learn Something Stupid

  1. Bernie’s new ideas are not included: paying off all medical debts and taxing all meat products. They are going to have to plant many, many & many more acres of those money growing trees. Hopefully they will have sufficient acreage available after covering the US with acres of solar panels and windmills.

  2. Useless degrees? I don’t think so. There are lines of job seekers all the way around the block at the new Art History and Black and Gender Studies factory opening in a few days.

  3. In Canada, the vote was given to people in the prison system, murderers, rapists, armed robbers. The only saving grace is that even setting up a voting booth etc. at the prison, only 2 availed themselves of the opportunity to cast a ballot (my sister used to work for the provincial elections – this happened in the last election). Turns out, they were losers in jail just like in real life outside.

  4. Don’t suppose we’re far off from having the right to vote for illegal aliens. Heck, the democrats best chance at winning in 2020 is to pick some random mixed race non-english speaking lesbian from any shithole country.

  5. Yep, They don’t have to actually Vote…Just be Registered to Vote..

    dnc will do the rest …I was hoping Brenda Snipes would spend a

    little time outside during the Hurricane.


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