Prince Harry Flies to Amsterdam: Cautions Frequent Flyers Against Ruining the Environment – IOTW Report

Prince Harry Flies to Amsterdam: Cautions Frequent Flyers Against Ruining the Environment


Climate advocate Prince Harry flew to Amsterdam to caution holidaymakers and tourism chiefs about the damage being done to the environment by frequent flyers.

Prince Harry’s message was contained in a new project called Travalyst, which has been three years in the making, seeking to make tourism across the world more sustainable for local communities and habitats in general and tourists to be more mindful with their day-to-day actions in particular.

Speaking at the A’Dam Tower on Tuesday, he told the crowd about his own experiences during the summer when he attracted controversy for his use of private jets: “Occasionally, there needs to be an opportunity based on a unique circumstance to ensure that my family are safe, it’s genuinely as simple as that.

“As I said in my speech – it is about balance. If I have to do that – and it’s not a decision I would want to take – I would ensure, as I have done previously and I will continue to make sure I do, is balance. I have always offset my CO2.”

The prince argued he traveled “99 percent” of the time on commercial flights, adding: “We could all do better.

“While no one is perfect, we all have a responsibility for our own individual impact. The question is what we do to balance it out.” read more

SNIP: Idiot.

24 Comments on Prince Harry Flies to Amsterdam: Cautions Frequent Flyers Against Ruining the Environment

  1. Why they are now scaring kids under 10 with global warming crap any adult with functioning brain cells should deduce that iif these leftists believed this tripe they wouldn’t fly around everywhere and buy beachfront mansions and all their other hypocrisy. Unfortunately half the adult population sounds like Biden, Beto, AOC…

  2. Poor Harry, married to that older, narcissist actress. She has his balls in a cage.

    Imagine his life if he married a normal younger woman, someone from his culture, whose odometer was not rolled over…

  3. Let’s cut Harry some slack. After all, he’s the hereditary spare. Prince Harry is the son of a man who expressed a desire to be his mistress’s tampon, and a mother who died in the company of an Egyptian named Dodi whose father owned the Paris Ritz Hotel and Harrods Department Store but couldn’t find a sober driver for his future daughter- in -law. It’s not his fault that he’s become a figure of ridicule, it’s in his bloodstream.

  4. It REALLY pisses off these elites that we “little” people can travel the world, so we must be stopped. This is why the globull warming scam is so popular among the royals, politicians, and hollywood scum.

  5. just who does he think he is, anyway?
    talk about privilege.
    he can get in the back of the line, just like the guy who will be in front of him did.

    “virtue is NOT hereditary” Tho. Paine

  6. I’m still trying to figure out why anyone would entertain this fool’s blather. The Duke of Sussex is sixth in line to the throne. Why doesn’t he just hunt fox and drink copious amounts of port — get in a bit of trouble with the dairy maid? Or do something useful like learning how to code?

  7. My gawd. This clueless, naive, filthy rich loser will not live long enough to spend all his inherited money. He has not worked a day in his life and he feels qualified to lecture normal people? Harry’s spent too much time with Big Mike and Barry the Fairy.

  8. harry is a damned ignorant rattle waving clown hat wearing fool, and a fucking liar, always offsets his CO2 I am quite certain He does NOTHING ,except read the lines given to him by his handlers

  9. aah yes, the sick ,sad, and soon to be sorry upper crust…. the kind of crust you see when looking down into a full outhouse hole. their whole ILK exists by crushing all hope out of happy old school human beings and stealing every penny they can manage to wrest from everyone that is not one of them. we will see how they fare when the cash runs out and they try to sneak into a society of CREATOR loving followers of JESUS CHRIST – YESHUA, the true one and only savior of human kind. I cannot imagine how the elite lowlifes are feeling about meeting with the true KING OF kings, for the opening of the book and the passages telling of their evil escapades (proud braggards now ,, but humbled souls begging forgiveness at the great white throne judgement

  10. This son of a promiscuous mother and unknown father can travel around in the comfort of a private jet while we commoners are relegated to jam in like sardines in Group D on Southwest Airlines.

    Britain, you are 244 years late in throwing out the Royal bums and going Republic. Get it done and do the Brexit thing while you are at it.

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