‘Impeachment August’ Ends with a Whimper for Progressive Groups – IOTW Report

‘Impeachment August’ Ends with a Whimper for Progressive Groups

Breitbart: “Impeachment August” is officially over, but with progressive groups reaching few of the goals they hoped to reach towards the impeachment of President Trump.

Twelve groups had banded together in hopes of convincing lawmakers — particularly from swing districts — to back the impeachment of Trump during the August break, when members of Congress were back home and in front of constituents.

However, during August, only one Democrat from a district rated a “toss up” by the Cook Political Report came out in favor of impeachment — Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL), from Illinois’ 14th district.

Just weeks ago, she was against impeachment. However, on August 20, after a town hall, she put out a statement saying she would back impeachment.

She is facing five Republicans challengers, including one who has already hit her on her impeachment stance.

But so far, other vulnerable Democrats managed to avoid coming out for impeachment, which is unpopular with the majority of Americans. A recent Monmouth University Polling Institute poll said 59% of Americans opposed impeachment — the highest number since it began tracking the issue in July 2017.

However, there was some progress for those who support impeachment over the recess, which still has a week to go. Fifty Democrats came out for impeachment after lawmakers left for recess on July 26, bringing up the total to at least 133 Democrats who back impeachment and constituting a majority of the Democrat caucus.

However, they are still 85 short of reaching a majority in the House, with the holdouts being moderate Democrats or those most vulnerable. Others are simply backing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) preference to wait until the public backs impeachment or the myriad investigations under way into the Trump administration turn up something incriminating.

However, the calendar for the rest of the year is tight, with the fiscal year 2020 budget being a top priority and 2020 elections being right around the corner. Pelosi has also warned about focusing too much on impeachment and not about issues Democrat voters care most about. read more

8 Comments on ‘Impeachment August’ Ends with a Whimper for Progressive Groups

  1. only the most irrational amoung us and those released from “institutions” are pushing this brand of socialist power grab. Frustrated feminists and their enablers, the kweer krowd and the anti-everything and the gimmedats.

    This fizzled out like New Coke

  2. Impeachment August?
    There are only 15 months until Re-election November Let’s see what you’ve got Democrats.
    Impeachment August was great. Although it wasn’t an alliterative.
    Simpering September should be a winner.
    Achtung! October! might get your ski maskers feeling frisky in a national socialist workers party kind of way.
    No way November shows promise. That can be repurposed for next year and become sustainable for many years.

    De-lousing December provides promise for the hardcore insect infested amongst you.

    Somebody else take over. Many months to go.

  3. A rat-bastard democrat cunt on TV Sunday said that a new investigation into Trump was just beginning.
    That brings the current number of ongoing investigations to 29!


    This is the most outrageous bullshit in the history of our country.
    Taxpayers should be out with fire and pitchforks! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁


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