Hot mic: Jeanine Pirro accuses Fox of planning to fire her – IOTW Report

Hot mic: Jeanine Pirro accuses Fox of planning to fire her


Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was caught on a hot mic Tuesday disparaging her network for the way it controls her schedule.

Pirro, 68, had called in for an interview with former White House aide Sebastian Gorka on the Salem Radio Network. She appeared not to realize, despite Gorka mentioning it, that their mics were live on YouTube between live radio segments.

After Gorka said he would love to have Pirro in the studio, she said, “Oh good. I love it. I would love it. We’ll see if they let me. You know Fox reviews everything. They’re unbelievable.”

Gorka suggested that she could have more flexibility in her schedule with a new book out, to which Pirro said, “No. They’re still saying you cannot do Bill O’Reilly, you cannot do Newsmax, you cannot do — oh no.”

She added, “You know what, they suspended me. And I’m not going to get fired. You know I’m worried that that suspension was the basis to tee up for anything I do wrong, they’ll fire me.”

Gorka replied, “Keep doing what you do, keep doing what you do,” before telling Pirro they had 90 seconds left before going back live on the radio and then he took off his headphones.

The video clip was captured by left-wing website Media Matters for America. A Fox News representative did not immediately return a request for comment. more

10 Comments on Hot mic: Jeanine Pirro accuses Fox of planning to fire her

  1. Fox News started moving Left the day after bho was elected (but puzzling that Fox Business was allowed to remain Conservative). Now, ALL cable is out of my house. IOTW (of course), whatfinger, and Gab are my go-to guys.

  2. the lead news anchor is a trump hating queer.

    that’s fox news.

    why anyone watches that network i’ll never know.

    and we should also question why hannity and ingraham are on that network.

    i’ll give you a hint. it’s because they are willing to play by libtard rules. the libtards say you can’t talk about certain things, like obama’s bc or seth rich, and they jump .

    i don’t need that network and i haven’t watched it for ten years.

    they suck

  3. I love the off-air parts of Gorka’s radio show that are streamed live on the youtube. He gets the best of the best guests and doesn’t interrupt like the egomaniac TV hosts do.

    I can understand why someone would put up with the hosts of the top rated TV shows if they are promoting a book.

  4. Fox also has some muslim woman in the executive ranks. So no speaking truth about islam. Donna Brazile getting hired was the ladt straw. No more chances. Even Tucker lets leftists away with lying on his show. They will lose market share because there too many alternatives now.


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