Fitton: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case – IOTW Report

Fitton: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case

Tom Fitton for Breitbart:

We have won a significant victory in our pursuit of the truth about Hillary Clinton’s misuse of official email and the Deep State’s efforts to cover it up.

A federal judge granted us seven additional depositions, three interrogatories, and four document requests related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unauthorized email server.

Hillary Clinton and her former top aide and current lawyer Cheryl Mills were given 30 days to oppose being deposed by Judicial Watch (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)).

The court rejected Justice and State Department arguments to protect Mrs. Clinton and the agencies from additional discovery and ordered agency lawyers to respond to our questions about their knowledge of the Clinton email issue. The court granted all of our requested discovery but gave Clinton and Mills 30 days to file any opposition to the requests to question them in person under oath.

The new court-ordered discovery allows us to take testimony and gather evidence of Clinton’s handling of emails, specifically in an “after action memo” drafted by Heather Samuelson, Clinton’s senior advisor at State and White House liaison. The memo was created in December 2014 to memorialize the Clinton team’s processing of the Clinton emails. The discovery also asks when Justice and State Department attorneys learned about Clinton’s private email use; and what senior records-keeping officials at the State Department knew about Clinton’s emails and when they knew it.

On August 23, we submitted the document request to Hillary Clinton’s attorneys for the “after action memo” that Samuelson created.

The court specifically raised concerns about a Clinton email cache recently discussed in a letter to Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) and wants Judicial Watch to “shake the tree” on this issue.

We uncovered the Clinton email scandal and we just found more evidence that raises further questions about the cover-up – which is why the court allowed us to pursue more leads and potentially question Mrs. Clinton under oath. As ordered by the court, we will continue to “shake the tree” on the Clinton email issue. It is shameful that the Justice and State Departments oppose our efforts and are still trying to provide cover for Hillary Clinton. read more

13 Comments on Fitton: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case

  1. Nothing is going to come from this, why do we expend our energy on it instead of putting it where it can actually make a difference?

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  2. Here’s how the Clinton deposition will go:

    “Can you please state your name for the record?”

    “I don’t recall.”

    “Were you Secretary of State from 2009 to 2012?”

    “I don’t remember.”


  3. Taking a different tac, I’m all for shaking the tree or looking under every rock because you never know what NEW stuff you might find. Nobody expects Hillary or her minions to go to jail, that is a given, but what we know (or better yet, what we can prove) concerning Obama/Clinton malfeasance and the dirty (illegal) stuff they pulled in their attempt to sway the election her way, right now it is just the tip of the iceberg.

    If further digging, further tree shaking can produce something actionable implicating Obama, an Obama aid, or something that directly ties the Obama WH with the FBI’s criminality, that would be big.

    Also, don’t discount the timing. The Democrats would love for all of the FBI/Hillary email/FISA abuse stories to all go away. We can’t let that happen. Like rotting stinking cheese, we want the smell front and center to continue all through this year and the next to remind even the nonchalant uninformed voter that the Democrats can not and should not be trusted.

  4. How many many more trips to court to get the documents ordered by this decision?

    And Bob M.: After I got out of the Navy, I swore I was never standing in line again, let alone one that long.

  5. “In very strange coincidence, the bodies of Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and Justin Cooper discovered in three remote locations near Washington, DC! All declared to have committed suicide within hours of one another, each by multiple shots to the back of the head. Hillary Clinton reports being devastated by the news!”

    forcibly deranged


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