Change Your Password! 419 Million Facebook Users’ Accounts, Phone Numbers Found on Database – IOTW Report

Change Your Password! 419 Million Facebook Users’ Accounts, Phone Numbers Found on Database

Epoch Times:

A server found without a password had some 400 million database records of Facebook users in the United States, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom, it was reported.

He added that the phone numbers were made private more than a year ago.

“The dataset has been taken down and we have seen no evidence that Facebook accounts were compromised,” the spokesperson added.

The TechCrunch report noted that researchers are not sure who created the database, and they are also not sure when it was created.

“Online businesses often ask for the number ‘in case you need to recover access to your account,’” Colin Bastable, CEO of security awareness training company Lucy Security, told Threatpost.

He said that people should “think hard” before handing over their phone numbers to social media firms.

A server found without a password had some 400 million database records of Facebook users in the United States, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom, it was reported.

Security researcher Sanyam Jain discovered the database, finding each had a unique Facebook ID and phone number for the account. There were 133 million records from U.S. users, 18 million U.K. users, and 50 million  Vietnamese users.

The server wasn’t password-protected, meaning that anyone could have accessed them. The server was later taken offline, he said, according to TechCrunch.

“This dataset is old and appears to have information obtained before we made changes last year to remove people’s ability to find others using their phone numbers. The dataset has been taken down and we have seen no evidence that Facebook accounts were compromised,” Facebook spokesman Jay Nancarrow told Fox Business.

He added that the phone numbers were made private more than a year ago.

“The dataset has been taken down and we have seen no evidence that Facebook accounts were compromised,” the spokesperson added.

The TechCrunch report noted that researchers are not sure who created the database, and they are also not sure when it was created.

“Online businesses often ask for the number ‘in case you need to recover access to your account,’” Colin Bastable, CEO of security awareness training company Lucy Security, told Threatpost.

He said that people should “think hard” before handing over their phone numbers to social media firms. read more

SNIP: People should “think hard” before handing over their phone numbers to social media firms??? Who is he kidding? Some of these sites won’t let you on or work with them without a phone number.
And it’s not just social sites.

13 Comments on Change Your Password! 419 Million Facebook Users’ Accounts, Phone Numbers Found on Database

  1. does this mean that I have to sign up for a Fakebook account so I can change my password?

    … now, quit calling me!

    (I tried to download the ‘app’ to order pizza from my local pizzeria. they said in order for me to use it they needed to access my phone #, my phone list, my database, my photos, my message list, etc. … wtf? for a pizza? I said ‘no thanks’, I’ll just call)

  2. Here’s a solution, get off Facebook, turn off your cellphone, and don’t check your email after 5PM.

    I just finished Cal Newport’s “Deep Work”

    The premise is that we are slaves to our technology, our lives are being diminished and our potential for real achievement and real production is enhanced when we remove distractions.

  3. The thing that’s really scary… Most of us grew up with “software” being compiled code implementing perhaps some client-server architecture, but for the most part static compiled code. The problem is… That’s not how things work any more. Most “Apps” on your phone, iPad, etc… Are wrappers around some HTML / CSS wad of crap. Capable of the whole suite of third party cookie tracking garbage and scripting that a web browser brings to the table.

    News flash= Edward Snowden said you
    can frickin’ forget about the word
    “privacy” like FOREVER. You are watched

  5. Vietvet said:
    “Everyone should realize that, sooner or later, any personal information they put out via the Internet belongs to the rest of the world.”

    Which is why .gov having a database of gun owners and their guns is a Very Bad Idea.

  6. @rickn8or: Absolutely. However, thank goodness none of our IOTWR readers own a gun or have even thought of owning one, so we don’t have to worry about that.


    P.S. – I miss Bad Brad. Where are you, BB? Please come home – all will be forgiven.



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