Morbid Obesity Is a Great Way for Black People to Combat White Supremacy??? – IOTW Report

Morbid Obesity Is a Great Way for Black People to Combat White Supremacy???

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Weaponizing Obesity & Stupidity. This may be the stupidest thing I’ve read in a long time, a descent into Toxic SJW Propaganda and General Lunacy from a publication that used to teach young girls how to apply mascara without looking like Alice Cooper, and give advice on how to keep ‘Him’ from getting to second base. People with no morals and little intelligence have taken over and infected the media in all its aspects from digital to print and advertising pointed at the young. more

22 Comments on Morbid Obesity Is a Great Way for Black People to Combat White Supremacy???

  1. Then fat, black, and queer’s a trifecta?

    Aim for the stars!
    And the racists are braying that white people are keeping the “coloreds” down?
    Their own dismally low expectations speak volumes.

    Affirmative Action
    Get out of Jail Free

    How many ways can you say it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yeah, that was the thought I always had as a kid as I watched black athletes dominate basketball, football, and track events in the Olympics

    “How can these naturally obese people run so fast and jump so high?”

  3. Look around you, the next time at work or shopping. A ball-park guess is, 80% of the population is Yugely overweight–if you’re one of them, please start using diet & exercise…not for others but for yourself.

  4. And then when Kenya and Ethiopia started to dominate distance running, I “was like”

    How in the world can these two epicenters of gluttony and morbid obesity do so well in DISTANCE RUNNING? And what about the marathon, for the love of Pete; why doesn’t that destroy their knee joints

  5. Random observations…

    • Fat people are harder to kidnap

    • Super-size camo clothing is hard to fine

    • If you need to defend yourself from a fat person, you need a longer knife. Get a sword.

    • Also for defending yourself from a fat person, you need a high-penetration firearm. Get yourself a .460 Weatherby.

  6. You can’t change being black but obesity is a choice. Same dolt wants a Democrat to give her Medicare for all not realizing her obesity issue is going to lead to a lot of denials of service.

  7. Callmepuzzled
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 AT 10:43 AM

    “How can these naturally obese people run so fast and jump so high?”

    …careful there, @Callmepuzzled and everyone commenting on Black athleticism. Open, unapproved commenting in THIS area got Jimmy the Greek fired and made into an unperson way back in ’88, and things have gotten FAR worse since THEN…

  8. The Obamas need to feast on some of those Red Tide Oysters so popular on Cape Cod…

    Two months of explosive diarrhea will melt that fat ass off of Michael in no time at all.


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