Debts for Democratic Party of Arkansas Rocket 75 Percent in One Month – IOTW Report

Debts for Democratic Party of Arkansas Rocket 75 Percent in One Month


Party already facing heavy scrutiny over financial issues, raises, spending.

Money owed by the Democratic Party of Arkansas (DPA) shot up from about $80,000 in July to $139,000 in August, a one-month increase in debts and obligations of roughly 75 percent, according to new filings available from the Federal Election Commission.

The DPA was already facing heat after a state-based Democratic blogger took the party to task for its debts in an August post called “Deficits Galore,” as well as numerous other office and bookkeeping issues like fines, reporting errors, and personnel issues.

Not long after, party chairman Michael John Gray placed blame for the financial woes mainly on the rightward shift in the state over the last two decades and announced to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette an Aug. 17 meeting intended to address some of the problems and allegations of misconduct.

Republicans have held the so-called trifecta in the state—a Republican governor and GOP majorities in both the house and the senate—since 2015, according to

The FEC filings show the Democratic Party’s outstanding debts or obligations such as:

—$6,300 to a fine art company

—$3,700 for lawn care

—$8,400 to the Pulaski County treasurer, where the party headquarters are located.

The lawn care expenses are notable because images of the party headquarters building in Little Rock show a modest building on a modest lot. MORE HERE

12 Comments on Debts for Democratic Party of Arkansas Rocket 75 Percent in One Month

  1. Color me unsurprised. Democrats are intentionally bad at managing money because they are intellectual kindergarteners.

    Liberal Math word problem:
    john has 3 apples and jane has one apple. john offers jane a free apple, hoping to win her favor by creating the equal distribution of wealth. Jane accuses john of misogyny for having earned more apples in the first place and pandering by giving the helpless jane an apple. Why is John such a bad person?

  2. Answer: because John has a penis and will rape Jane, impregnating her the first chance he gets, placing her in maternal bondage because John voted for the pro-life candidate while wearing a red hat.

  3. All of the lending institutions in the U.S.A. need to stop allowing the Socialist/Communist Party to borrow from them, because when the Socialist/Communist Party goes bankrupt, we the Conservative Taxpayers are not going to bail these banks out, as the general population Progs won’t do it either.

  4. …wait, @PHenry! You did not provide enough information to do this New Math!!!

    What color is John, what color is Jane, what country are they from, are they here legally or not, and is either of them Islamic, Gay, Trans, or all 3?

    …Because Democrats ALWAYS factor THOSE things into EVERY equation, and it can DRAMATICALLY change the answer….

  5. @Super.

    Of course John is a white nationalist because…red hat. But the hat sports 88 on it, not because he likes oldsmobiles, or a particular nascar driver, but because the 8th letter of the alphabet is ‘H’ and the whole Heil
    Hitler thing.

    Jane is a black lesbian thinking about a transition to not only a different gender, but a different species. Her pink pussy hat has the number 666 on it, not because she belongs to a satanic cult, that we know of, but because ‘F’ is the 6th letter of the alphabet and her favorite saying is….

    I’m talking normal, everyday americans here.

  6. …now, @Phenry, you didn’t give the “Red Hat” clue until the ANSWER. That makes the ENTIRE question threateningly unfair to me, so I’m gonna need some reparations to get over it, just as soon as I can get an “Obama” judge to approve my lawsuit to force BFH to give me all of your iOTW bucks, which I’m sure you’ve been unfairly hoarding so they’re badly in need of redistribution anyway…


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