Report: Hillary Clinton Speaking to Elizabeth Warren Behind the Scenes – IOTW Report

Report: Hillary Clinton Speaking to Elizabeth Warren Behind the Scenes


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been speaking to Hillary Clinton behind the scenes throughout her presidential bid, according to sources who spoke with NBC News.

It was widely reported Clinton met with several potential 2020 candidates at the beginning of the year, including former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). However, the failed presidential candidate has been speaking to Warren in recent months, according to sources who spoke to NBC News.

Sources are not sure how many conversations Warren has had with Clinton, and neither has made obvious attempts to make their conversations nor the nature of them known to the general public. more

25 Comments on Report: Hillary Clinton Speaking to Elizabeth Warren Behind the Scenes

  1. Princess Liawatha looking for an endorsement from Lady Macbeth?

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahah … wheeze … gasp … BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA ….

    … yeah, like that’s gonna get the couch ‘rats out to the voting booths

  2. Hilary: You gotta be more obnoxious. More shrill. More bossy! Avoid questions. Insult voters, threaten to destroy businesses and promise other crazy shit! And here, read my book. “What Happened”.

  3. “It was widely reported Clinton met with several potential 2020 candidates at the beginning of the year…”

    Kiss of Death for them all. Okay, not actual death. For most of them. I think.

    Imagine trying to campaign, knowing Pantsuit Sauron had her eye on you. Nobody can do that for very long.

  4. Dingbat and Dingbat, your new comedic routine.

    @BFH please do an abbot and costello or laurel and hardy!

    OR dumb and dumber for the newer audience. Never did see that dopey movie.

  5. Helping her break that glass ceiling?
    To be fair she dose have a lot of experience in breaking stuff around the White House. Having to listen to these two would be like being trapped in a room full of chalkboards with a baker’s dozen of people scratching their nails down them continually.

  6. Uh, Dizzy Lizzy, hate to tell ya, but all those pubic hairs in the vicinity of Hildabeast’s mouth? Most likely of female origin. You are being used, sweet heart. If you were not so stupid I’d suggest you ask miss Lewinsky how that worked out.

  7. Lizzy step away from the deal. The evil pale faces have taken enough of our people. Got to go i just got a delivery of free blankets just in time for winter. What could go wrong?

  8. This is worse than Trump talking to the Taliban.

    They hate America less than Clinton and Warren.

    Just waiting for Lizzie to talk about liquidating a barrel of deplorables.

  9. The Golden Mumu (HA Goodman) is looking for a female VP when she runs again. Madame Mao does not do second place, Lizzie in a Tizzy and Murder Inc. What a ticket, Pedo Joe agreed to run as a place holder so Killery can sweep in and save the party. That’s why he is just going through the motions and has no care for his verbal retardation.

  10. lol was that what inspired Warrens awkward beer YouTube video? Remember Chillin with Hillary where she too did her hey guys I’m just an everyday sort enjoying a cocktail. Probably not who you want to take advice from.

  11. Warren will at some point overtake Biden.

    Let me suggest referring to them as Snow White and the 7 dwarves at that point when the field winnows.

    Politifalse can chime in that 12 dwarves, er, candidates that remain and rattle off their heights to confirm the sobriquet is a 4 Pinochiotic lie.

    You’ve got Angry, Slutty, Grumpy 1 and Grumpy 2, Gapey, Limey and who could forget Whatshisname?

  12. “…the failed presidential candidate…”

    …sorry, just like looking at those words, my favorite title for her until we can call her “Corpse”, and proof that a merciful God holds his hand yet and contines to withhold his righteous judgement on this world so the maximum number can turn to Him still…


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