Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Eight Executive Orders Following Shootings – IOTW Report

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Eight Executive Orders Following Shootings

Bearting Arms:

Texas has long had a solid reputation as a pro-gun state. After all, if you talked to most people and asked them which state they most think of when it came to guns, most would undoubtedly think of the Lone Star State.

In truth, Texas has some less than gun-friendly laws on the books, but they’re still fairly pro-gun.

That stance feels a little shakey after two major mass shootings within the span of a month within the state. Governor Greg Abbott has found himself under enormous pressure by anti-gun forces following the most recent mass shooting in Odessa, Texas.

To that end, the governor has just issued eight executive orders to address what he sees as an information gap that led to the shootings.

WHEREAS, on August 3, 2019, a gunman killed twenty-two people in El Paso and injured dozens more in a despicable act of domestic terrorism; and

WHEREAS, the mother of the El Paso gunman had previously expressed concern to police about her son and the weapon with which he would later commit his cowardly attack; and

WHEREAS, on August 31, 2019, another gunman heinously killed seven people in Odessa and injured dozens more; and

WHEREAS, the Odessa gunman had called both the police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation prior to his shooting spree, had previously failed a background check, and was recently reported to law enforcement for confronting a neighbor while brandishing a semiautomatic rifle; and

WHEREAS, these tragic events come in the wake of other mass shootings in Texas, including one in which a gunman in Santa Fe opened fire in his high school with a shotgun and a revolver, another in which a gunman murdered worshippers at their church in Sutherland Springs, and another in which a gunman fatally ambushed police officers in Dallas; and

WHEREAS, mental instability, racial hatred, extremist ideology, a desire to sow domestic terror, and other factors have contributed to these horrific mass shootings in varying degrees; and

WHEREAS, legislative action has been and will be taken to safeguard against these dangers; and

WHEREAS, in addition to further legislative action, executive action can be taken immediately to help prevent more mass shootings and keep Texans safe; and

WHEREAS, revised and readily available standards for gathering and processing information about potential criminal or terrorist acts can lead to swifter action by law enforcement to prevent such acts, including mass shootings;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby order the following:

13 Comments on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Eight Executive Orders Following Shootings

  1. I don’t understand all of that legal gobel-dee-gook.
    It will be buried and forgotten under piles of papers
    and files in 6 months… Mean while insanity & mental
    illness marches on to the next ——-

  2. There’s a story at zerohedge right now about a doctor that has given drugs to over 1000 kids to help them become trannies. As young as 8 yrs old.

    Keep in mind that several states have made it illegal for doctors to try to treat a kid to get them back to normality.
    Ok, to make them a tranny. Illegal to try and help them return to normal.

    Maybe we’ll get lucky and the russians will vote in more conservatives to stop this kind of shit.

  3. The “Texas Suspicious Activity Reporting Network” must already exist. Apparently, it hasn’t worked too well?

    WHEREAS, the Odessa gunman had called both the police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation prior to his shooting spree, had previously failed a background check, and was recently reported to law enforcement for confronting a neighbor while brandishing a semiautomatic rifle;…

    Apparently not. If people don’t do their job’s, no amount of executive orders or legislation will improve public safety. On the other hand, all of his “Orders” sound a lot like precursors to “Red Flag Laws.”

  4. I am giving Governor Abbott a wide berth at this point.
    It’s a bit too red flaggish for my tastes. But i get it.
    Most of this country’s mass murderers gave warnings to friends, family and associates.

    But this is dangerous territory, indeed. Difficult to separate grumblers like myself from actually dangerous grumblers.

  5. These orders seem to be less about guns and more about creating a Chinese style snitch culture. It’s about creating citizens that will report “incorrect” behavior creating “snicthezens” if you will.

  6. It’s all bull shit. Watch the people that are suppose to be on our side collapse. Especially Trump. There’s only one thing that defeats a bad guy with a gun. A better guy with a gun. The saying we need to keep repeating is, “When seconds count help is minutes away”. And that’s exactly the shit. And why teachers should carry guns. Unless you are in the gun fight when it started, many people will die. Trump’s going to lose a lot of his base unless he wakes the fuck up.


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