Democrats fear that Biden could be a ghost of losers [Hillary] past – IOTW Report

Democrats fear that Biden could be a ghost of losers [Hillary] past


MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Democratic activists in the first primary state worry that if Joe Biden is the party’s presidential nominee, he could lose the 2020 election for some of the same reasons Hillary Clinton was defeated in 2016.

Biden, 76, has consistently led the crowded Democratic field in polls in part because voters see him as the most capable of defeating President Trump in 2020. About three in four of Democratic voters considering Biden in the primary say that he is the most likely to beat Trump, according to a CBS poll released Monday. Jill Biden, the former vice president’s wife, explicitly stated that voters should choose him even if they disagree on some policy points because “your bottom line is you have to beat Trump.”

But many voters who attended the New Hampshire Democratic state convention were skeptical that Biden was the most electable Democrat, and remember similar claims being made about party establishment figures stretching back to Walter Mondale in 1984 who were nominated and went on to lose.

“Biden is Hillary Clinton, part two. He’s an establishment candidate,” said Katie Pederson, 28, who works for a call center and for Southern New Hampshire University. “I don’t think Biden could beat Trump.” read more

11 Comments on Democrats fear that Biden could be a ghost of losers [Hillary] past

  1. Biden, more than anyone, represents FULLY what is the Democrat Party:

    Absolutely stupid, (makes Liawatha look smarter)
    shamelessly hypocritical, (better that Kamalla)
    arrogant thief, (his family are better than the Kerrys)
    willing to promise ANYTHING while knowing it would be impossible to deliver, (Gigglybutt is a rank amateur)
    lifelong parasite, (a Senator for decades longer than Hillary)
    perverted creep. (Bernie smells, Joe smells young daughters)

    He IS what they are.
    And you should DETEST any voter who chooses any Dem.

  2. “Biden is Hillary Clinton, part two. He’s an establishment candidate,” said Katie Pederson, 28…”

    And he’s non compos mentis, Katie. Y’all Dems can talk all day long about everything but that fact, because your media is hiding it from you. If he manages to dodder along to victory in the primaries, sheltered by the media, you’re going to be shocked at the stuttering husk of a man who accepts the nomination next August.

  3. Is Biden ahead in the poles for the same reason Trump is always behind in the polls: that is what the people paying for the polls wants the polls to show?

    It could always be that the Dems are falling into the trap that the Republicans have been in for a long time: “It’s his turn.” That is what brought the Republicans Dole, McCain, and Romney while there were much better candidates each time.


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