AOC gets wrecked (Again) – IOTW Report

AOC gets wrecked (Again)


In their never-ending quest to ruin this country, House democrats held another hearing on Wednesday to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement and to open our borders to a foreign invasion. Part of this clown show involved democrats yelling at former ICE director Tom Homan. He didn’t however sit there and take the abuse but rather suggested that if democratic lawmakers don’t like our immigration laws they should change them. This set off empty can Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who for some reason was chairing the committee, and gave us one of the funniest moments of 2019 when she couldn’t figure out how to bang the gavel. watch

22 Comments on AOC gets wrecked (Again)

  1. I guess banging the gavel and shouting “Your time has expired!” is the Congressional equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting, “LA LA LA!!! I can’t hear you!!!”

    What an insufferable child.

  2. I don’t know why our Republican reps just sit there like fools and allow the Democrats to now use these so-called “hearings” as nothing more than a platform to air their abusive and false accusations in order to further their partisan agendas! The only way one can tell the difference between a hearing room and a CNN set is that everyone has to follow parliamentary rules. It’s simply disgusting and is costing us a lot of money in gov’t salaries and utility bills to run these charades.

  3. @Abigail – they are forced to by the conventions, which allow the Dem reps to use all of their 5 minutes to just yell at the person giving testimony. The only reason the Dems do it is for sound bites so CNN can show them appearing to have a spine. A Republican legislator then gives his or her time to the testifier to clear things up, but CNN isn’t interested in showing that. All in all it’s Kabuki Theater, there is no consequence and it doesn’t impact legislation in any way.

  4. Alex [aoc] wants to force the House and Senate…
    to vote on impeachment,
    She is now the self-appointed Queen of America,
    What a fookin’ idiot she is, go back to your own play-pen, beach!

  5. @Left Coast Dan — That’s precisely my point. Since these committees are supposed to be about oversight, where do we get our money’s worth on that score?! The Democrats are using our gov’t resources to campaign for their party, not to fulfill their constitutional obligations. And it should be called out.

  6. I honestly believe that if her skin was just a shade lighter, and her name was slightly less hispanic, she never would have been allowed to graduate high school, let alone be admitted to college. Textbook case of affirmative action. But as Maxine Waters and others before her have shown us over and over, you only have to be just slightly less stupid than your average constituent.

  7. Burner
    SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 AT 12:24 PM
    “Claudia, just say all the cameras are in the shop for recharging…”

    …or that they’re out of film. It’s not like she actually knows how anything works anyway, ask the In-Sink-Erator in her Washington digs if she does…

  8. She’s a buffoon.
    And most politicians are annoying shitweasels.

    Cameras in the Committee Rooms allow Americans to see how their money is being wasted by these worthless sacks of monkey shit. If more people actually paid attention, we’d probably drive them all into the Potomac and get a fresh batch.

    But it seems like most people would rather pick their noses, swill beer, and watch sports than to try to understand the depths of depravity and fecklessness in our Legislature and Judiciary.

    Course, that’s the way it’s been since the beginning.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. AbigailAdams: Your 100% right, that’s all they do is bad-mouth the Trump administration hoping to taint it for their own political purposes. Thats their main objective and it should be stopped. Its a waste of time and effort.

  10. Next time AOC can’t figure out how to use the gavel. Look at her with an expression indicating you’re extremely embarrassed for her, and whisper to her that the proper use is to whack the gavel onto the side of her head. With vigor several times.


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