The Morning Joe folks are afraid—very afraid – IOTW Report

The Morning Joe folks are afraid—very afraid

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Squinty & Meat Puppet – Biden a Train Wreck and Lizzy a Loser

The Morning Joe folks are afraid—very afraid. They painted a Democrat doomsday scenario this morning in which Joe Biden would implode, Elizabeth Warren would win the nomination . . . and proceed to lose to DJT.

According to Joe Scarborough, behind the scenes among Democrat insiders, “everybody” says Biden’s campaign is a “slow-motion train derailment,” and “they believe, and many fear, that Elizabeth Warren is moving toward this nomination.”  read more

18 Comments on The Morning Joe folks are afraid—very afraid

  1. As they should be.
    More winning coming up in 2020.Vote, and all will be well.
    Meat puppet what a name, fits him well.
    If she gets on stage with P.Trump and says free every thing, game over. He will bide his time and then bury her.

  2. I had the debate on tonight for about 10 seconds, as I frantically hit the button to take me away. They asked Beto about his desire to take away every AR-15, he said that he would take every gun designed to kill people. Um, so all of them I guess.

  3. If Elizabeth Warren gets the nom I’d be worried about her health via Arkanicide. Do you really think Hillary would find it acceptable that a woman who is not HER could possibly win the Presidency against Trump?

    The Dems will nominate men until Hillary loses her other shoe. So, it’s Biden by a hairplug.

  4. Lizzy is so effin stupid. Hillary is expertly maneuvering dizzy Lizzy into a trap. Even Stevie Wonder can see what’s going to happen. Oh well, sucks to be Lizzy. Man, I’d LOVE to buy a life insurance policy on Lizzy that did not have an Arkansacide exclusion.

  5. There was absolutely nothing to be gained by watching those fools blather the evening away. It’s vomit inducing to listen to the constant pandering and distortions.
    The menagerie of buffoons better suited for a 4th rate comedy act.

  6. Democrats know they will lose, so they need the diversity and social credit points. Just like in 1984, when they threw out Geraldine Ferraro, –why not.

    Look for Warren to pick someone who will check a few boxes for the social bean-counters.

  7. Illustr8r, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t pretend to “try” to come to a consensus at the DNC for the first couple votes and then just super delegate Michelle Hairy Ball Bigfoot into the spot. First woman and woman of color would really trump Killery. They’d be virtue signalling their genius for the rest of the year.


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