Democrats Debate in Houston – IOTW Report

Democrats Debate in Houston

Twitter leftists complained that moderators let Biden speak the longest and Fauxcahontas was disrespecting Yang. Also, Biden thinks he’s a Congressman and said he and Obama never locked illegals up in cages.
Beto says, “Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
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24 Comments on Democrats Debate in Houston

  1. tonight’s d’rat Jokefest has been brought to you by Bounty … the quicker, phucker-upper & Ralstin-Purina, because your dog deserves it!

    … stay tuned for the candidates surrogates spinning explaining to us what the candidates really meant when they flubbed their talking-points about why they hate America more than the other candidates

  2. Tulsi might be Ron Paul’s long last sister. In the scope of their preview, hard to dislike either one. Tulsi went straight the fxck after the chosen one for supplying arms to our enemies. She was chastised and put in her little cubicle place. One word, Benghazi. Yea she knows the shit. She’s pissed her Libtard free playing card away. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t met Mr. Heart Attack machine. I really hope Rand Paul reaches out. She’s not a Libtard. Most likely the only candidate Trump takes seriously.

  3. What part I watched was just every institution is corrupt, racist are everywhere and the constitution is pretty much useless to these people. Most everything they bitched about are problems their party caused in the first place or, they themselves as elected officials could have helped resolve had it not been for emotion over logic, partisanship over the good sense solutions. Screw the whole of them!!

  4. BTW, not ONE American flag, even a graphic of one, standing in the corner of this ‘classroom’ of adult children.

    There is a flag in every town hall I have ever been in in America.

  5. Bedo wants to take 300,000,000 people’s guns away because some guy in Texas thought he was shooting at foreign invaders to our country?
    The whole group, except Kamela, was angry, shouting, complained that our country is a bad place to live.
    BTW, is Kamela the Indian word for a female camel? Just askin’

  6. @mickey moussaoui, that’s a good strategy for democrats to win over moderates.
    Republicans need to make sure voters don’t forget how much these candidates worshiped Obama.


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